by Bill Yarrow
Over the years, his face
began to alter, becoming
not round but rounder
not kind but kinder, not
ruddy but red, the map
of his complexion now
filled in with rivers of
creases, lakes of dis-
coloration, saharas of
psoriasis, waterfalls
of burst veins, tufts
of vegetation sprout-
ing with no or ungainly
purpose from above his
eyes or within his ears
not to mention the adjacent
crow's feet, perpendicular
laugh lines, frown lines
and evidence of a habitual
bit lip, all these things
and others, about which
acquaintances commented
with savage nonchalance
“It's not age, but character”
but to him it seemed rather
as if all his secret sins had
become suddenly visible.
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96 words
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This poem was published in "One Sentence Poems."
This poem appears in "Against Prompts."
Fabulous. *
Most enjoyable poem. Love this:
"saharas of
And many more ...
Beautiful. Love this piece.
Very fine.
The incremental, lucid advance to "savage nonchalance" and the intimation of Dorian Gray. Marvelous.
I thought of Shakespeare as I read this, a soliloquy, someone speaking about someone else. Stunning ending.
And what Matthew said.
Have always been fascinate wit the one-sentence form - a favorite - and this is a strong one.
Wonderful lines: "the map
of his complexion now
filled in with rivers of
creases, lakes of dis-
coloration, saharas of
psoriasis, waterfalls
of burst veins"
Thanks you, Jill, Erika, Susan, Gary, Matt, Diane and Sam!
* love the form
Ah, yes. "Not age, but character." Who says that, anyway? Your images are fabulous. Always. *
Close to home. Deftly done.^
Wow...what Erika said, and more.
with savage nonchalance
“It's not age, but character”
Thanks, Gary, Nonnie, Larry, Kitty, and David!
This is not to take away from your experience or your imagining of growing older. I just want to say it is more painful for women because beyond a certain age, our worth plummets. Plummets. *
Point well taken. Thank you, Gita!
Remarkable. Perfectly made. True art.
Thank you, Darryl!
Sorry. I had to stop reading. These images caused a breakdown. (And I had to clip some hair growing out of my ears.)
LOL, Larry!
So. Good. I love it!
Thanks, Charlotte!