by Bill Yarrow
I cerebrate myself and singe myself
and what you illume, I refuse
for every good Adam betrothed to you will to me betray
I chafe and incite my soul
I bake and chafe in my disease
my speech, every item of tongue foams in this soil-
free dust
earth's parents … whose parents …
arrrrggghhh … I now sixty-seven
sixty-eight, sixty-nine years
chagrin besmears me, increases
till death, old shoals in obeisance
nothing suffices as harbor
but a permit to claw at every yawing chasm
exuberance is beauty … lesion of enthusiasm
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80 words
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This poem was published in Treehouse.
It is one of my "Translations from the English."
"exuberance is beauty"--William Blake
"lesion of enthusiasm"--F. Scott Fitzgerald
This poem appears in Incompetent Translations and Inept Haiku (Cervena Barva Press 2013).
This poem appears in "Against Prompts."
"lesion of enthusiasm",
like so much else in this, is wonderful
Perfect harmonies, Bill. Strong piece. Favorite lines:
"nothing suffices as harbor
but a permit to claw at every yawing chasm"
Yes. *
The ending packs a punch. Love the notion of the permit to claw. Keep clawing away. *
I like how the poem seems to change/transform personas with each new stanza, with increasingly rich alliteration toward the end.
I love the whole thing.
Thanks for great comments, Gary, Sam, Jake, Miranda, and Amanda.
I know I shouldn't have, but I laughed. *
Joani: I should hope so! Glad you did. Thanks!
That's a brave poem. I keep going back to the lines:
"I bake and chafe in my disease
my speech, every item of tongue foams in this soil-/
free dust." I laughed, cringed, and laughed again.
"chagrin besmears me." Yes.*
Thanks, Emily and Gary.