by Bill Yarrow
Poets who thrum like larkspur and bramble and hedgerow
Poets who thrum glaze the drape of their cadmium frame
Poets who thrum like lacewings, sobriquets, and krill
Poets who thrum intercalate interstitial fancy
Poets who thrum go "pukka, pukka, pukka"
Poets who thrum eschew cochineal shoes
Poets who thrum are clart with hebetude
Poets who thrum are thrawn in the gloaming
Poets who thrum groak
Poets who thrum also brabble
Poets who thrum plitter
Poets who thrum ukase
Poets who thrum jirble and thwack
Poets who thrum eat quorn with raw swamms
Poets who thrum are eristic (not shambolic)
Poets who thrum deliciate unto kench when they freck
Poets who thrum furl their hopes and fudgel their tongues
Poets who thrum crack their freckles while brining their bums
Some of my best friends are poets who thrum
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A version of this poem was published in Ygdrasil.
This poem appears in "Against Prompts."
Man, this is so much fun to read--and the ending is just great! A real treat:
Poets who thrum furl their hopes and fudgel their tongues
Poets who thrum crack their freckles while brining their bums"
Yes, great fun.*
As if Kerouac or Burroughs were filtering Lewis Carroll. I enjoyed this piece. A must-read-aloud work. *
Sam said it. So did Darryl and Gary. And Amanda *
Playful - made me smile.
Let's raise a glass to poets who thrum.
Crack-up funny: ROTFLMAO! Triple pukka, for sure!!
Thrum along, all.
Thank you, Darryl, Amanda, Gary P. Sam, Mat, Ellie, Ed, and Gary H!
Thank you, Nonnie!
Yes, Jabborwocky-ish but with non- nonsensical, real words. It's fun all right, and I like the rhythm, the repetition of the "poets who thrum" phrase like a locomotive, pulling the rest of the piece along. Bonus: great words here to remember for that next Scrabble match. *
Great comment. Thanks, Ray!
*, Bill. I generally like it when Poets thrum, but the tendency to thrum Frumbyrdlings simply has to stop. Poetry can be both excellent and humorous. You know, like this piece.
:) David!