by Ann Bogle
Initially gay marriage needed to be described in order to be enacted. Institution of Love went on bumper stickers and became a prerequisite.
Equality became the next goal, rendering gay redundant in describing marriage. Gaelic life is ringed with sharing and lent the word slogan.
One man's only wife, seven years after the divorce, retained a marriage industrialist to franchise her elopement to the end without disruption
to her Irish marriage or proprietorship of her franchised husband's sons. She purchased testimony the Guyanese babysitter perjured after the
franchised older son videotaped his stepsister without her knowing in clothes and nude, in tapping the U.S. government for income her ex-
had waived for disability, since he and her family lived in wealth, that she figured lay dormant in his Social Security account. He had found
a caregiver on Medicaid ejected from A.A. carrying lowest rank in seniority who knew the three thousand directives to help him recover if he drank.
Cash in the U.S. looks like a spider on a red thing.
If I saw a glass ceiling, I would be in awe.
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"Industry of Thrift" is the first title of this fiction poem or creative non-poem or slave narrative, as I chose for its tags.
The flat language here lends itself to the macabre- very Shirley Jackson- leading to a pow at the end. The closing lines are remarkable, Ann.
A multi-layered thing.
The framing of the narrative between non-sequitors makes for reading like following someone across a swaying rope of consciousness, one risky step at a time. I do like the story in the middle, and the parts around it taking the reader on this ride with unexpected turns, daring us to follow.
Blew me away. What narrative poems should be.*
"Cash in the U.S. looks like a spider on a red thing."
Ann, all the excitement of your imagination and the profound soundness of your prose can be found in this line.
About to read it again now that I've read David's comment. I was thinking of something heartfelt and possibly clever, but ignorant, to say until then. *
Dear Sam, Gary, David, Amanda, Bill, and Matthew, I appreciate your comments, fav's, and your takes on it that seem varied as a response to the same piece, so they are especially instructive to me as feedback.
I changed the word "tipping" to the word "tapping" 8/24/14 at 12:35 p.m. CDT.