by Angela Brett
I'm really glad to meet ya,
you seem just right to me.
You've oestrogenic features,
and facial symmetry
and even just the scent of you's
a whiff of possibility,
it shows without a centrifuge
our histocompatibility.
Whenever we're carressin',
I find you quite engrossin',
I'm filled with vasopressin
endorphins and oxytocin.
Our closeness is the saviour
of my head and of my heart, in-
hibiting the causes
of myocardial infarction.
Your mouth is like no other,
I kept your kiss-stained cup.
Oh, be my children's mother!
Your DNA stacks up.
Hold tight while we make lurve
and during the sweet act I'll
be glad I had the nerve,
especially C-tactile.
What's that, my anti-phosphodiesterase?
You say you are conscious, too?
In that case, I'll rephrase:
I meant that I love you.
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135 words
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I may be a geek, but I've learnt a few things about love, mostly from New Scientist magazine. This is my Valentine's Day lesson, from the perspective of an adult male human. Study guide, references, and now a video of my reading and to some extent acting out the poem can be found at
I admit, I did not write this specifically for the Valentine's Day Massacre challenge, but I did add an extra stanza containing the word 'heart'. I promise I'll never cheat on you again.
Love it!
Funny. Takes out the horny, doesn't it?
Love is like eating eggs... the trick is not to think about where it comes from.
Totally adorable and funny, love this
What a wild and wacky ride! Great stuff.
wonderful and wacky, angela. the scientist in me rejoices. adaptation is not cheating either.
A fine fun ride, Angela. Thanks for sharing this. I had a wonderful time reading it, and I've not said that nearly enough lately.
Funny and smart.