Snatch XI

by Mathew Paust, May 07, 2016 | 8 comments

snatch 4

by Mathew Paust, Feb 23, 2016 | 8 comments


by Mathew Paust, Dec 01, 2012 | 14 comments

  1. Months ago…
  2. Deflection!
  3. Insurrection!
  4. sent Snatch XI to the group.
  5. sent snatch 4 to the group.
  6. sent Union (Snatch 1) to the group.
  7. I took a little blue pill and can't stop writing. (If writing persists for more than four hours, call you agent immediately). Let's get back to criticizing.
  8. posted to Hmmmmmm.
    Trolls are heresy or the "no"? Everyone seems well behaved.
  9. posted to Welcome.
    Maybe it should be more private, like not viewable to non-members?
  10. posted to Hmmmmmm.
    There are no trolls in Fictionaut. Heresy.