Forum / It's Been A Real Hoot

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Oct 13, 06:03pm

    Just wanted to say good-bye to everyone here. I hope to see all of your books on Amazon soon. Take care and keep safe.

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    Rachna K.
    Oct 13, 06:06pm

    Oh, I have always enjoyed your stories, Chris! Will miss them. Best wishes.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 13, 06:10pm

    You'll be missed. Adios.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Oct 13, 06:12pm

    Shit. I always looked forward to your work.

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    Ann Bogle
    Oct 13, 06:54pm

    Very overtly oh-no. But fare thee well.

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    Amanda Harris
    Oct 13, 07:53pm

    Will look out for your work, Chris.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Oct 13, 09:37pm

    A huge loss for this site.

    Best of luck to you, Chris. I'll be watching for your work, as well.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Oct 14, 12:01am

    My favorite writer on my site for a good long time, I wish you the absolute best.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Oct 14, 12:01am

    on this* site

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Oct 14, 02:17am

    Chris, your writing has such a marvelous edge to it. You and your work will be missed here. FN is a weaker site without you and your voice.

    I do look forward to your work appearing later this month in Blue Fifth Review.

    I'll be looking for and reading your words.

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Oct 14, 04:55am


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    Henry Standing Bear
    Oct 14, 12:36pm

    Damn buddy now that just sucks. Fingers crossed you get all these kickass stories on here in a book at some point so I can buy it.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Oct 14, 03:24pm

    What everyone else said, plus a question: Do you have a webpage where we can read your stuff?

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Oct 14, 08:57pm

    Sorry you're packing it in, Chris. Your work is memorable, unique, primed for discovery. Best of luck.

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 14, 09:51pm

    Really loved the work you shared here, Chris. Sorry to see you leave. I wish all the best for you and your writing.

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    Oliver Hunt
    Oct 15, 02:55am

    I'll be looking out for your work in the future.

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    Ann Bogle
    Oct 16, 04:03am

    Did Okum get a contract for his stories? Remember when MaryAnn Kolton set off for LARB? Her convo here got zipped. Bye, MaryAnn, do fly on Fb or wherever you roost to do your reading of the volunteers. I hope it is the case that Okum got a book deal. Maybe he met up with one of Salinger's full-grown's. By now she would be of age.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 16, 04:13am

    MaryAnne Kolton is my wife and she is doing well. She left Fictionaut to get away from the nastiness that was going on here at the time. Sometimes the nastiness returns, so I imagine she's better off away from here.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Oct 16, 03:33pm

    Surprised, Ann.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Oct 17, 09:34pm

    She called me a psychotic on the forum for posting lit. crit. It would have been amended except she or Fauth erased it without amending. Life drags on. There are words one should hear from a doctor, and that one I never have despite my acquaintance with good doctors. I will spare you intimate gossip of her medical history and keep to my public kindness, kindness that runs deep.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Oct 17, 09:47pm

    And stick to the rest of my day! What thread is this? Oh, yeah. Do not make amends for actions that are not yours. There is no suggestion to ask for amends. Some amends and their folks are taking fifteen years, some as long as twenty-five years. I thought of writing my unforgivens as a list and visiting an ashram. I thought just now that Hindi syncretism is better than C. syncretism. P. syncretism is forewarned, so we tend not to, we ... at least I. Yet I am learned, Pepe, as a friend spoke wisely to me long ago. Bye, Pepe. Who is Pepe? I will miss reading the hot (not meaning stolen) stories of Chris Okum. That would be a good title. _The Stories of Chris Okum_. Orange cover? Mellow orange? Mango meat color.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Oct 17, 09:52pm

    "I told my anger to a friend. It did mend. I told my anger to a foe. It did grow." A writer in Houston wrote that on one of my short stories. I remember which story.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Oct 17, 09:55pm

    I remember which writer, a poet first. I have seen him since at a convention in Atlanta, a great set of days. He and I attended a lot of the same panels, including On Moral Fiction, headed up by Charles Baxter. No panelist including Baxter mentioned John Gardner, to my surprise. The poet from Houston and I kept going the same places as each other and saying Hi again and sat near or next to each other. His wife writes YA.

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    James Claffey
    Oct 18, 02:51am

    Okum is brilliant. His work will be out there to be read. Happy trails to Chris.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Oct 18, 02:53pm

    Thanks, Ann. I missed those "good" ol' days.

    This is the only book by Chris on Amazon. I'd buy it were it on Kindle, and still might order the paperback. Would love to post a glowing review if only to flip off the maroons who clearly have no sense of humor.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 18, 08:33pm

    Too bad your goodbye got hijacked, Chris, but you really will be missed. Best always. Better times wherever you go.

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Oct 18, 11:14pm

    If anyone is interested, I will be posting work at this blog: I am going to try this blog thing for a while. I don't know if I'm going to like it, but we will see. Hope you all are doing well and eating right.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 19, 03:04am

    Thanks, Chris.

  • Dsc_0162.thumb
    Michelle Elvy
    Oct 21, 05:27am

    Sorry to see you go, Chris. Glad to see you have a site where we can find you.

    Stay tuned, folks, for some Okum coming up at Blue Five Notebook, Oct 30. Will post here when the issue is live.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Nov 10, 06:49pm

    oh. Chris left. :(

    I guess I'll have to resort stalking his work in the litosphere via the magic of Google.

    xx Chris -- you're brilliant.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Nov 11, 04:17pm

    Frankie, you can read him on his new blog. He posts great stuff daily.

  • Panama_hat.thumb
    Nonnie Augustine
    Nov 12, 01:50pm

    Bye, Chris and hello Chris blog! xxoononnie

  • Better.thumb

    Paust: Even glancing at the Okum book, it looks hilarious. I'm still cracking up over the clueless reviewers ("What IS this???"), the sort of people who get confused over Stephen Colbert's old show ("Is he KIDDING?"). Jeezus Christ. Irony meters are a good indication of sanity, nowadays -- only the bold survive!

    (Good to see this posting's outdated, and C.O.'s back a little.)

    FUNNY JOKE: Two guys walk into a bar. One guy says, "I'll have some H20!" The second guy says, "I'll have some H20, too!" The second guy dies.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Jan 17, 06:08pm

    Hi, Crabby. I should read you more. Or you should write shorter. I wish Okum's book was on Kindle. Is it possible he wrote all those reviews himself? It would be in character.

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Jan 19, 06:05pm

    So great to see your fine work back in the current thread, Chris! Welcome back.

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