Forum / Shel

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    Mark Reep
    Oct 04, 05:44pm

    I haven't spent time here for awhile; wish I had more time to write, to enjoy others' these days. Times for everything, I guess. Stopped by to say this: None of us is more encouraging and supportive of other writers, editors, publishers than Sheldon Lee Compton. Anybody who knows the guy respects him, both personally, and for his work.
    That's all I got, friends. Time to go cut firewood.

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    Sam Rasnake
    Oct 04, 05:55pm

    Good post to the forum, Mark. I agree with you about Sheldon. Has always been an encouragement and helpful to me as a writer - as well as to many other writers here.

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    Carol Reid
    Oct 04, 06:11pm

    A day chopping firewood would do us all a world of good. And if Sheldon were with us, he'd work hard and stack that firewood right. That's how I see it.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 04, 08:32pm

    The loss of Sheldon marks another low for this web site.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Oct 04, 09:29pm

    Very disappointing loss, indeed.

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    Joani Reese
    Oct 04, 11:53pm

    Sometimes, someone needs to call out those mean-spirited people who seem to get off on attacking others all in the name of *fun* here. I was once a member of that critical/nasty clique, and I am ashamed to admit that. I don't come here much anymore because it seems as though the fetid folks have a lock on the discourse, and no matter how awful they are, they get to stay and other, kind and honest people like Sheldon must go. Matt Dennison is cruel, manipulative, and exceptionally unkind to anyone by whom he feels the least bit threatened. He seems to have endeared himself to a number of other writers I admire here, but I can't help but wonder how the paltry veneer of positive personality hasn't rubbed off for them yet and why they continue to support his antics. His nasty back-biting, inane posts simply to garner attention, the behind the scenes criticism and cruelty toward others in the writing community tarnish this place that was once pretty vibrant. So, now that I've said my piece, I suppose I'll get kicked out, too. Matt, do your stuff, but make sure you do your whiney maneuvering to stab others like me in the back out of sight and behind the scenes. That's what you're good at. And for responding to your cruelty, which seems to delight you? You're welcome.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 05, 01:53am

    Well said, Joani. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

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    Gary Hardaway
    Oct 05, 03:26am

    Sheldon should be here. Gifted and supportive.
    Dennison should not.

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    Michelle Elvy
    Oct 05, 09:19am

    Well I missed all this as I've been away again (and I'm not sorry I missed it) -- but I will also add that Sheldon Lee Compton is one of the good ones: as writer, editor and all-around supportive human being. I can't see why he'd be run off the site, and I do hope that this will be corrected, as has been indicated.

    My latest contact with Shel was in relation to Editor's Eye. He was scheduled to help run the series next year (2015), along with Gary Hardaway, Carol Reid and James Claffey. He's one of those guys who rarely says no to a request like this. When I asked, he immediately responded that he'd do it -- and it did not surprise me (same goes for Gary, Carol and James). I am always so happy to come into contact with generous spirits like his.

    And there are plenty of those here at Fictionaut, too. I for one am very glad to know them.

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    Christopher Allen
    Oct 05, 09:44am

    Yes, Shel is one of the good ones. That's the great thing about creepy people: they give us the opportunity to lift up the good ones.

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    Neil Serven
    Oct 05, 02:17pm

    Sheldon was one of the first people to reach out to me on Fictionaut, offering to publish a story of mine on A-Minor (it fell through, but still, the offer meant a lot). For a site whose very nature asks for support, candor, and sensitivity--not an easy combination--he brings all of it.

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    Amanda Harris
    Oct 05, 04:48pm

    Sheldon is an immense talent, and this is a big loss for Fictionaut. Joani said it best.

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    Ann Bogle
    Oct 05, 06:08pm

    Yes. My experiences reading and interacting with Sheldon have been good as well. His work is where he flares his teeth, a narrator's decision that hurts no one of us directly and may enlighten about character and theme. I wonder about character in the other sense of the word in a fiction community, the nature of someone? Is it possible that people get too isolated where they live? I know I do. My decorum goes North once in a while!

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    Mathew Paust
    Oct 05, 06:08pm

    First time I knew of Sheldon was in another thread in this forum, I believe it was the "pointless violence" one. Denison suggested in a comment that Sheldon should "grow a pair". Sheldon responded with tempered restraint, which spoke well of him to me. I was unaware of Denison's reputation here when I received several confrontational emails from him regarding comments I'd left on his posts--comments I'd intended as a tad snarky but friendly. After I questioned him, suggesting he was perhaps oversensitive, he admitted he'd been drinking when he wrote the email.

    If that's his problem, I can understand, having had a bout with heavy drinking myself in the distant past during which I said and did some regrettable things to friends.

    Sorry to see such petty pickled drama played out in this community, altho I'm fully aware artistic temperaments can experience stability stumbles now and again. Denison has amazed me at times with his talent. I believe it would be our loss were he to leave Fictionaut, but I wish he'd clean up his act.

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    Susan Gibb
    Oct 06, 02:00pm

    Upsetting to see this kind of thing going on, still. I too have been put off over the years and wander back in now and then simply to enjoy some of the exquisite talent of some of the writers. Sheldon has been a staple here for so many years, a fantastic writer, an active member, and an encouragement to so many.

    So I withdraw a bit again, even as I tried to be more involved. This too, I hope, shall pass.

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    Gary V. Powell
    Oct 06, 05:48pm

    Yep, sorry to see Sheldon go. Always helpful and kind in his comments and respectful and grateful when I commented on his stuff. I don't know Dennison, other than his name. I thought his comment on the other thread was provocative, and like Matt, thought that Sheldon's response was direct but tempered. Let's get back to writing.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Oct 06, 10:37pm

    Hello beautiful people. I can't express how much this means to me. It seems my privileges have been reinstated. Let's get back to the good reading and the good writing. Thanks so much!

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    Joani Reese
    Oct 06, 10:39pm

    Hi Sheldon. Good to see you back. May we now let all be.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Oct 06, 10:42pm

    Hey Joani...couldn't agree more.

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    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 06, 10:43pm

    Sheldon is a gem, and my brother. Not to mention what a fine writer and supportive friend. Hurts to hear anyone would mistreat such a decent fellow. But then, given the Fictionaut history of this other person, I am not the least bit surprised.

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