Forum / MaryAnne Kolton

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 11, 02:25am

    As some of you know, my wife, MaryAnne, has been ill for the last two months. Since I'm not on Facebook and in response to requests about her progress, I'll just say that she's been hospitalized since Wednesday and will probably be there for another 2 days.

    Although she is responding to treatment, her doctors want to keep her there until she's strong enough to come home. She is in good spirits, but requires rest, so I'm not giving out any specific information at this time and thank everyone for respecting her wishes.

    If you want to wish her well, you can leave her a message at her Facebook page and when she returns home, she will read it and respond.

    If you want to leave a message for her here, I'll print out the posting and carry it to her. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and concern.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Mar 11, 02:31am

    All best to you both.

    Warm thoughts.

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    Carol Reid
    Mar 11, 02:31am

    I was just this moment thinking of both of you. I know I'm not your best friend or anything but I wish you lots of healing and all good things.And a hug or two. I have recently gotten into hugging and I send you each a big one.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Mar 11, 02:32am

    Please tell MaryAnne I am holding her close. Please hug her for me and tell her to call as soon as she's feeling up to it. Thanks for telling us, James. Lots of folks have been asking about her. Tell her she is missed. Love you both. xoxoxox

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Mar 11, 02:44am

    Prayers and thoughts, James.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Mar 11, 02:57am

    Sorry to learn of MaryAnne's illness, James. Thoughts and prayers to both of you. I'll be sure and send her a note.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Mar 11, 04:20am

    My thoughts and prayers to you now and always.

  • Web_bio_newglasses.thumb
    J.A. Pak
    Mar 11, 05:30am

    So sorry to hear MaryAnne has been so ill. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Mar 11, 09:42am

    Warm thoughts and best wishes.

  • White.thumb
    Henry Standing Bear
    Mar 11, 12:11pm

    Praying for you both, James. Send my well wishes.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Mar 11, 12:56pm

    So sorry to hear this! I'd noticed her FB absence. Give her my get well wishes. You take care of yourself too, James.

  • Photo_on_2-20-16_at_8.24_pm__3.thumb
    Amanda Harris
    Mar 11, 01:50pm

    Sending good healing vibes your way...

  • Tinabarry.thumb
    Tina Barry
    Mar 11, 05:21pm

    Please send my best wishes for a quick return to health to MaryAnne. And best wishes to you, too, James.

  • Nuclearman2_1_.thumb
    Christian Bell
    Mar 11, 07:59pm

    Prayers and thoughts for you both, James.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Mar 11, 10:22pm

    Strength and prayers to you both, James.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 12, 12:34pm

    Thank you all.

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Mar 12, 01:13pm

    Hoping for health and happiness for you,MaryAnne.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 12, 10:08pm

    She's ba-aack!!!

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Mar 12, 11:46pm

    Oh, great news, James. Give her a hug for me. Tell her I love her.

  • Dsc_0162.thumb
    Michelle Elvy
    Mar 13, 03:50pm

    Oh I am so glad to hear this, JLD. I send you both a big embrace. You take care of her -- and yourself. I hope the next couple months will be a very good road to wellness. Please pass this on to MAK.

  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Mar 14, 12:10am

    Oh my--didn't realize that she'd been so ill! Glad she's home and feeling better and hope the good news continues. Please know I'm thinking of you both and sending the best good vibes her way.

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