Momma's hands smell of vanilla. Except on Sundays, when they smell of honeysuckle stems and garden soil. Branches scrape the bathroom window from outside.
It is morning. It is May, because her tulips are blooming.
Momma wears a white camisole and slip. Her feet are bare. She puts white lotion on her face and leaves the blue container open for me to play with. Her earrings are silver hoops with blue leaves inside, like peacock feathers.
Daddy's in the kitchen. It is loud. Dishes clatter in the sink.
He's making pancakes.
Momma holds a curling iron in her hands and I hear its click as she opens and closes it on her hair. She turns and does the same to mine.
Momma gets out the hairspray. She tells me to close my eyes and I do.
When I open them, hers are still closed.
The strap of her camisole has fallen, the hand holding the hair spray still in the air. The mist falls and my face feels sticky. I touch the bruises on her arm. Some are red, some are blue.
“Daddy didn't mean to,” she says.
When we eat breakfast, Daddy puts bacon on my plate and sprinkles powdered sugar on my pancakes.
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211 words
All rights reserved. |
This story acted as the title piece for my master's thesis at Auburn University.
It was also published in Wigleaf.
Yes to this. Well written.
Oh nice! -- * Q
Very good.
Powerful. *
I remember reading this in Wigleaf and thoroughly enjoying it. Thanks for posting here. Great stuff!
Really, really effective. 1st paragraph framed perfectly for this short piece. Also love the image of daughter's eyes open, mother's closed, so powerful *
Woe! Woh! This one caught me by surprise. I love that double meaning on the closing of the eyes. Wonderful little short piece, with great touches of description--the clicking of the hair roller, the hairspray.
Thank you for the kind words, everyone. They are much appreciated!
Every detail is wonderful; the camisole especially gets my attention. *
Wonderful, wonderful!!!!! Ok, just wonderful! Fave!!!
Wow, so simple and so powerful. Gave me chills! Love the child's voice. I especially love the last paragraph, that the story returns to the tableau of the (seemingly) happy family after the line "Daddy didn't mean to." *
Very good - writing a child's POV is really tough, and they notice the smallest details. You did a great job here.
This works perfectly. Well written and powerful.
well done, I read it a different way which was that, hard as it is to imagine, sometimes abusers also are good fathers, or good employees, or whatever, rarely just the one thing.