by Steven Gowin
The sycamore tree root
pushed up the sidewalk
Jesus came strolling by
in his sandally Jesus feet sandals
And stubbed up his great
toe against the lifted concrete
Jesus howled to the sky
God damned son of a bitchin' son of a bitch
Mary cried Mary tears and asked
where she'd gone wrong, such a child
God mashed out his Chesterfield
and sent Jesus straight to his room
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I'm Jewish. There were rooms in the manger? Or did they move to a condo? *
I am partial to irreverence especially done so neatly.
Cool piece, Steven. *
In the days before filter tips and the 101 mm marketing barrage, Chesterfields were the choice of poets and priests. I'm surprised God never did a TV spot... endorsement was lucrative in the day.
Real men smoked Camels, Lucky Strikes, spit little bits of tobacco from their lip between puffs. Women, before they grabbed a decent market share with their own skinny brand, would roll their eyes and wave their hands to disperse the whispy clouds.
An interesting take, Steve. *
Between you and Gary P. elbowing your way into verse-land, I give up :) I would, however, remove the first "straight." but that's just me... *
I like.
(Hey, if you name your piece 'faker' it takes all the fun out of calling you that! Or is that why you did it, you faker, you....)
I see you've got yer edge on.*
"God mashed out his Chesterfield / and sent Jesus straight to his room"
Sounds like something God would do.
You had me at "great toe".*
*You little iconoclast, you*
People say they spit up their coffee when they want to indicate that they found something funny. Just now, I really did. Mad love for this and you can be sure it's going on my FB page toot-sweet.