by Peter Erich
in the
next to
with the
fruit flies
grape vines
is and will be
birds shifting air
wreaths around us
i will
i do
i am
looking at you
you happen to me
like motorcycle tricks
pavement staining rips
an engine being dangerous
there are
burnt tires
to taste
there are
birds leaving trees in blurs
to get tattooed on us
there are oos
there are ahhs
and we say them with our eyes
which is to say
what i mean
to clarify
what is without definition
you put me in a chaotic state
of anti-gravity which
i do not want to recover
at your mercy.
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110 words
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Stuttered through this and made the stutter a character, the character being the writer. That this writer, me(?), is so flipped-over in love that he can't get the words right. Love isn't always that exuberant - but sometimes it is. When it is though, celebrate it.
(note: "Lion that eats my mind")
And yes, I borrowed the last line from Ginsberg. And yes, the title is a play off his words. There are some ideas from that work the inspired this piece. Thank you for noticing.
I love the stuttering effect of this.
"Looking at you then always explosively happens to me" I like it.
@SusanDavis, Thank you and have a wonderful day.
I've been there. You capture it the way I remember. *
@mathewPaust Thank you. I am happy you have been there too.