October is the month when your dog dies. It is harsh, October. The light is golden, like weak tea. All the leaves light up like embers and fall, spent. Persistent things curl up and sleep without dreams. It is, perhaps, a kindness to quickly end while the beauty of death burns all around.
53 words
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Author's Note
My dog is dying, although it is September. I do not think he will reach October. I will miss him forever.
*, Lynn. Weaving the dog's dying in with that of nature is so well done here. Nature is reborn in the springtime, but only the religious believe the dog ever will be.
A profound and necessary truth in the closing line, Lynn. One of my favorite pieces of yours - No - My favorite work of yours that I've read. This piece makes my head hurt, and I love that. * squared
October is a melancholy month, the one that tricks us into feeling death is some fantastic form of beauty, and perhaps it is. It is certainly the one most fitting for bidding farewell. Lovely.
"a kindness to quickly end." ***
There may be greater sorrow than that when a loved animal dies but I haven't experienced it yet.
Yes to this. *
*, Lynn. Weaving the dog's dying in with that of nature is so well done here. Nature is reborn in the springtime, but only the religious believe the dog ever will be.
*Beautifully written.
Wow. *
Goes straight to the heart, Lynn. Well written and strong.
A profound and necessary truth in the closing line, Lynn. One of my favorite pieces of yours - No - My favorite work of yours that I've read. This piece makes my head hurt, and I love that. * squared
October is a tweener month: cooler but still no rain here in Californy. *
"Persistent things curl up and sleep without dreams." I connected with this image of October.
You just supplanted "April is the cruelest month..."
This really touched me as two of my beloved dogs died in October, 10 days apart. *
Late in arriving but glad I finally did. "The light is golden like weak tea."*
October is a melancholy month, the one that tricks us into feeling death is some fantastic form of beauty, and perhaps it is. It is certainly the one most fitting for bidding farewell. Lovely.