Coincidence? More like serendipity. I mean, this pink paper flapping under my windshield wiper, the only car on the street? Day care services, the flyer said. Infants welcome. Manna from heaven! Do you know how hard it is to find someone to watch babies? I had to return to work -- you know how it goes when you're single. Besides, she was cheap and convenient.
She seemed okay. Quiet. Sad brown eyes. She looked kind of familiar. But she rocked Sophie, face out, the same way I do. “Beautiful baby,” she sang. “Beautiful baby.” Later, when she said she'd had miscarriages, I should have put it all together. Because she was there in the hospital, you know. In the same room. I only remembered after.
I hated leaving Sophie with her. I wanted to stay home with my baby. That first week Sophie screamed herself purple when I dropped her off. Me? I bawled at my desk. Called every hour. “Is she all right?” I'd ask, and she'd say, “She's just fine, Miss Dorothee.”
It got better. We found our routine. That day I was actually relaxed — it was my birthday, you know — so I treated myself to an ice cream cone on the walk home. But no lights were on. She didn't answer the door, so I kicked in the window, black raspberry spattered all over the front steps, but she wasn't there, no one was there… oh God, officer, please find my baby.
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261 words
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Inspired by the 52/250 theme: coincidence:
And that pull of the belly all mamas feel when they leave their children with a stranger. Peace...
Nice writing, Linda - "We found our routine. That day I was actually relaxed — it was my birthday, you know — so I treated myself to an ice cream cone on the walk home. But no lights were on."
The form is solid. Works well. I like it.
Great voice working this. I like it, too.
Sam, thanks so much for the comments and star for CHEAP AND CONVENIENT -- glad it 'works' for you! Peace *
James, thanks so much for your generous comment and fave on C and C. Glad you like the voice -- I could only imagine the frantic-ness. Peace...
I like the rhythm of this. I can hear the slightly scary soundtrack under the words. Terrific little piece. **
Thank you for reading CHEAP AND CONVENIENT, Gita! Peace...
Nice voice and tension in this story. Well done, Linda.
Thanks Christian for the read and the fave -- mucho appreciated! Peace...
I love the pacing and rhythm in this, the voice reaches out to me, and your word choice is just perfect. Great job, Linda! *