by Jerry Ratch
Through the lonely night
All the roads are breathing
While somewhere on the road
The American soul lies bleeding
The past is all in yellow
The future's all in blue
While living in the moment
Has lost its rosy hue
Might have to start out laughing
If you want to come to tears
Might have to wallow around in
Or swallow all your fears
But through the lonely night
I hear the roads are breathing
While somewhere on the road
The American soul lies bleeding
Well, I'm a porker through and through
I eat bacon, pork rinds too
I eat pork chops, ham, and ribs
I ride Harleys, I tell fibs
I'm a porker, yes it's true
I'm a porker through and through
I eat bacon, pork rinds too
I'm a porker through and through
And through the lonely night
All the roads are breathing
While somewhere on the road
The American soul lies bleeding
Yeah, through the lonely night
I hear the roads are breathing
While somewhere on the road
The American soul lies bleeding
The American soul lies bleeding
Yeah, the American soul lies bleeding
The American soul lies bleeding
Yeah, the American soul lies bleeding
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204 words
All rights reserved. |
song, copyright (c) 2016 by Jerry Ratch.
register on ASCAP.
Well done.
"But through the lonely night
I hear the roads are breathing
While somewhere on the road
The American soul lies bleeding"
The refrain...nails it. *
*I love the anthem quality...and then pork rinds!