An increasing percentage of the land on which crops can be grown is effectively controlled by a few wealthy landowners and multinational corporations. Independent farmers in poor rural communities, wanting to retain ownership of their land, are joining forces with landless, unemployed workers to form a cooperative movement. Paramilitary hit squads are attempting to identify and target movement leadership. During a clandestine meeting to plan a global strategy, a political platform is being discussed.
The woman at the microphone with shaven head dressed like a Buddhist nun is sister Hildigard Helen. She called for land usage to fulfill a social function, to provide an affordable and sustainable way of life for all. Even members of her own movement shouted her down. They want aggressive action not moral platitudes. Fight force with force, they shouted.
My mind is in turmoil as I take her place at the microphone. Just waiting in line has sapped much of my energy. I don't know what to say, except to repeat what sister Helen said. Yet, in order to use the land to fulfill a social function, we need to possess it first, don't we?
"Fight force with force," I shout into the microphone while thrusting my fist in the air with all the force I can muster.
The auditorium irrupts with thunderous applause.
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adding to: 'The Forest is Falling.'
title inspired by Beethoven's 5th
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Makes me wonder.... Ah, me. It's all about expediency (agendas) I guess. More truth than poetry here, methinks. *
Not much poetry here, no. Thanks for reading it and commenting.
i get the poetics of unrest, just as i get roberto garcia's poems. this has got the makings of something larger. like the absurd, the feverish feelings here. keep going, mate...
Hi, Marcus. Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement. Yes, I'm inspired by Roberto's poetics and his statement: "Protest spurs a thirst for knowledge and arts, literature."
Like the voice, J Mykell.
Thanks, Sam. I appreciate your comment.
JM - The hit squads are in the employ of Monsanto. This one smacks of a lot of truth.
Hi, Larry. Yes, Monsanto, a multinational giant, operating under many names in agriculture, biotech, medical research, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and who knows what all: this truth is the stuff of creative non-fiction and it fits neatly into my fictionaut story, thanks.
This is a very good piece, John.
The last line gave me pause. I thought you meant "erupts" but then I looked up "irrupts" and found "(Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Biology) (of a plant or animal population) to enter a region suddenly and in very large numbers" which felt pretty darn perfect.
Hi, Bill. Thanks. I appreciate.
Yes, erupts or irrupts? I went with one of's offerings:
'to manifest violent activity or emotion, as a group of persons.'
I like this one. I'd also like to see something more than 1000 words from you - read more of your work with a longer plot. xo