Male Pattern Invocation
by Gary Hardaway
Ye gods may take my hair
in shampooed clumps each shower
in classic demonstration
of male pattern baldness
but I pray, ye gods, that sense
not follow down the drain
in the much more terrorizing display
of male pattern stupidity
as seen so often on TV
in the House and at Fox News.
It's a shit for brains apocalypse
across the USA.
And on recent ads. Am I the only one to notice that if women were portrayed as being as stupid as the men in advertisements, there would be an uproar? Are we allowed to say 'men are morons' without censure, or is it assumed to be true?
I pronounce this funny, including the author's note.
"that sense
not follow down the drain"
Yes - the life-long challenge. Good piece, Gary.
Nothing like the cult of machismo to ruin your morning.*
I swear I'd include your author's note as the last stanza. I'd do it or die, man.
A shit for brains apocalypse. Amen. *
And beer commercials. Men need to stop those. The author's note ending is a great idea. A smart bit of business. *
Thanks to everyone for the responses.
The world testosterone built. Getting hairy out there. Temporarily. Nice dig. *