by Fred Osuna
They ask about WWII and he claims no kills; but he recalls June 1994, the girl's scuffed white sandal, her red rubber ball bouncing away.
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This was my other submission to the 2011 Hint Fiction competition. It survived several cuts but did not take the big prize, though I am told that it was read by Joyce Carol Oates during the final judging. ~~ It was later expanded and submitted to a number of presses specializing in micro-, but was roundly rejected. Perhaps the expansion was unnecessary.
Lots of pop in this one for such a small story. Nice.
Great stuff, Fred*
Brilliant *
Not usually a fan of nano-fiction but this piece really does it well.
Ouch, this one surprises like a switchblade flicked open. Nicely done, Fred.
The title kicks ass.
Fred, you rock. That is all.