by David Ackley
Through the parking lot
They came. Amish
so we reasoned
from the tails
on the white hats of the women
The girls in their starched white bonnets
and sensible shoes, their white aprons and uniformly
blue jumpers,
their long black stockings
And the trailing men in their suspenders and starched
beards, their black zipperless pants
The girls and women half-loping
toward the sliding doors
the men holding back
with whatever dignity remains
between tour bus and Walmart
amid the wild dying pigmented gasp
of the rampant leaves
in the fall of the year.
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oh those amish. * furnace of love
I'm there.
Thanks, Gary and Mathew. Glad it hit.
" zipperless pants"
Now that says something! *
Thanks Tim.
Thanks Dianne.
Stunning picture. *
Thanks, Beate, glad you liked it.
Grew up around Amish, you captured it perfectly! The last time I visited the National Zoo, there was an extended family near us. I found them way more interesting than the Naked Mole Rats. They spoke 'Old German' and were a delight to watch.I often wonder how they have managed to cope with life in these times.
Kitty thanks for the authenticating reply. In answer to your question about how they cope with these times: the poem poses a possible answer: With tour buses and Walmart, just like the rest of us.
You have me wondering David, what life-stories belie the starched beards and uniform jumpers, what encapsulates that restrained dignity swept up in that tender metaphorical gasp, left to the remains of their Autumnal day... ?
What I meant by found poem, Amantine, is that sense in which the form captures a moment that transcends it , as we thrash our way through this " forest of symbols."
And I should have added, thanks indeed for your response which extends the poem into new imaginative terrain.