by Darryl Price
Once there was a real honest to God holy spirit out there that was a gift of kindness for everyone, unfortunately given to all the wrong people, or the wrong people simply stole it. Either way the wrong people are still the same ones among us now who so willingly use this atomic light to hurt other living beings with on a daily basis, to twist them into hideous shapes of horrib;e death, beneath which their jewel encrusted fingers perform the final blows to their sad lives, and the creepy smoldering designs are put onto their hideous fires and disfigured, their natural beauty
strapped down with brutal lies, all that's left are twigs of civilization and humanity like heaps of scattered and broken bones. They have caused such misery and bleeding among the people, but more than this they have knifed the sacred covenant between animals and all the free stars in man, so that no clear understanding about the true nature of things could pass unnoticed into the hearts of men anymore, and cause their hearts to continue to grow and open, which is the doorway to any fresh wisdom. On this cruel
path of course they could easily collect all the unguarded money and food for just themselves, and steal everybody's lasting beautiful essences for their own privately gated walls and secret dungeons. This caused a growing hole in the brains of artists everywhere—all of whom began to paint only in smeared circles of red and blue, like wounded beasts, caught in a steel leg trap. The weeping
has become a smoking part of the day's unforgiving landscape. These so called guardians next met on high and decided who should get to weld their stolen power next to them, for a hefty price of arms and men of course. Only the grandest bidders were welcomed at that rich table, in the middle of the blackest night. The rich became greedier, if that's even possible, through the sorcery of hateful manipulation of the true facts of love and peace, the familial sacrifice was made, that
this spirit was being abused by those cowards held in highest esteem throughout the ever saddening darkening land is a grim though honest truth to bear. This spirit was trapped in a book like dried ink on a dirty page, held prisoner there, granting selfish wishes on a lustful whim or two, like a genie in a magic lamp, and simply made to do bad things that brought sorrow and shame to its eternal flame, like a lost soul. Then something else, something young and new and great and sudden came dancing along. New Kids came along, kids who were not buying into the old worn out stories, kids who preferred to dance together in the streets, for the freedom of it, who
were not afraid of the color of the night, suggestively hugged the moon again and again, made her blush, kids who whistled a joyful longing into the air, by some beautiful ragged daylight of their own invention. This alone woke up enough thought to raise dead tree spirits and to move forgotten mountains to roar with monumental life again. The first thing they did was to free the holy spirit from its rotten cage and laugh with him and cry with him and go with him again into the forgotten hills with many joyful echoes seeping into many hungry ears. Love is worth it, they said. Love is all, the Holy One agreed, with a long happy smile and long clapping hands.
Bonus poems:
Totem Poles (Click Here To View)(a first draft)
by Darryl Price
There's nothing so low then that you wouldn't have tried already to rip it open and spoil it in your dumbed-down sadness, all to
end the world for not noticing you in its castdown eyes a lot sooner, but the vain world fought
back from that kind of silly-assed melting candle wax war, like extinction on its own
brutalizing enough terms. It wasn't size that
matters but substance. Still if I
have indeed loved you in my own small
way and that means given you as
much of this life as I possibly could then please
accept once more this truly meant for you alone sweet kiss of air coming your lost way right now...wish
only that the secret places had made more
valuable time together available
out of the tiresome facts of life to us. All it did instead
was leave me far behind, at the sad end of my own
lost curb, in a place that never
looked quite the same again. Sometimes it feels like the
same thing but it's not. The lamplighter has no purpose anymore
even to the headbutting moths of painful circumstance.
Those lopsided sidewalks have no maternal
purpose either anymore, even to
the ticking time-bomb shoes of constant sorrow, the ghost garden parades, the abandoned bikes, the sideways
rolling acrobatic leaves,
the frying drops of spattering rain, the dripping off the earth's arms moon maidens,
the smelly stacked up stars, the freezing of the lights smack in the middle of everything,
the opening breezes like doors, colder from the cracked
car windows, dogs who sniff every mailbox
for fresh news that travels in and
out of other dogs . And now I myself
am to find out if I've got yet another
strangely filled pocket crammed full of more words that
somehow meanings, less and less, they start
to disappear even before
they fall from my broken away hands and fingers. Once I
would have simply fed them to the sparrows, if there
was no one else around watching me,
or given them saintly unto
the sleeping grasses, like a quick shot of
Kentucky bourbon, or a broken
string of love beads, or a no longer
maybe so perfect scratched cat's eye marble with a chip in its otherwise perfectly round face, or a
missing wooden eye, then or even a miniature plastic model of an alien
spaceship tripod, or a mysterious souvenir scroll painted on a bark
canoe-- the cheapest kind you can get--
and later wonder why you'd
buy such an unremarkable ugly thing to put on your desk blotter in the first place.
When I was a kid I was fascinated
with totem poles. I
collected dozens of them like
other kids collected WWII airplanes, or tiny plastic molded colorful gumball
trains that flew anywhere on tracks only found in the minds of childhood countries. They gave me a false sense of rainbow comfort. I now know that
is something I usually
found rather frightening on
a daily basis, but all that's
so far from the pages you're reading,
we'll soon be on different books
altogether if I go any further. I never wanted
to see you crumble. That's the decoded truth.Goodbye.
bonus poem:
by Darryl Price
This isn't a where for you to what down upon with your heavy handed hurtful stares again and again. No. Well
some would say counting down the
softly rising rows of constantly
crumbling ancient guardian
mountains in the emptying rooms of shadowy
mists is still being some reason enough to go on that long trip anyway , but in the end they really
couldn't add up to such loveliness as holding hands, to
simply being alone
with you. That's all
there is to say. Someone else
might find this lost passageway
and coax the tossing
sun from behind
its own glowing head
of darkly flowing
hair for you. When you look into
that dreaming face
there is every promise
and every hurtful
ash to come. How long will
you always forgive
that unfair comparison its deep and lingering bite on the inside of your mouth?
That's the problem,
isn't it? We're
all up against the impossible
possible. Yet
I stumble over
these buried words myself like
any child would. I add my
still tiding voice to
the farawayclimb that's only
partly there and is
only going to
presently sound out
completely in the
new order of things, those
made specifically from light (that you'll
hardly remember).
All this would be fine
if I thought you'd specifically be
given your heaven.
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1329 words
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History is a lie told through a murder of crows. They may sound like they are all chirping about the same thing, but each one is trying to blurt out its own sad truth above the din. The search for the King continues. All these noises could be shaped and reshaped onto another canvas of sky as easily as some rain could come and dampen the conversation for awhile. It picks up again as soon as the sun comes out, but new voices are always being added and some are never heard from again. It's a timeless struggle to get the sentences right in the first place. Witness after witness sees only the perspective they are given, unless they can see inside/this too has been passed down to us from a long distance away by some kindly departed friends.
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This is breathtaking.
I like the structure of this piece and it's lush language.
Good form. Interesting variation on your use of line. I like the piece, DP.
* interesting breaks. I like.