by Darryl Price
into another bright vat of boiling over hot lies. It's sick, man, the way you'd
rather dig for a supposed (royal) buried treasure than make a new beautiful thing start to happen, break
your back, break your spirit, over and over, until there's nothing left
to begin the story with again. All that gets you is a
grinning skeleton for a sock puppet pal, an unidentifiable worn stone singing
like a ditch in the pouring rain at the bottom of your
favorite drinking glass. Anyway you'll never return that posted favor. It's too
late for all that pretty useless nonsense now, isn't it? The best
you can offer us is a daily huff and a shadowy puff on another
broken cigarette trail. Could you still walk upright? I don't know. Not
with that stupid holy mirror smashed over your head like an oxen
yoke. Shake off your sick need for faster strokes, people. You're getting
old when you should be getting younger. The magic has all been
pissed away like race horses on steroids. Like the cool old days
of bookstores and basements, cigarettes and the 4am sunlight lifting its sleepy
starting to glow fingers off the dirty trash caught up in the
shaggy sheets like mashed-up paper love birds. All we needed
was a bit of the colorful, Beatle-type luck of old. But that
once fun movie seems like another worn-bald bear left broken-eyed on the forgotten sidewalk.
We had it all together then, friend to friend, but their corporate imaginations
were nastier than ours. The newly minted politicians used those crazy stupid
word bombs on themselves in order to get to us. How crazy
is that shit? The only true country is the country of love,
but you'll never get there the same way twice. And nobody ever
believes your passport photo is you. And you can have all the
secret handshakes in the world and still get met with only false modesty and frothy
mistrust. And you can declare yourself to be nothing more than free, but
the hands that surround you will eventually reach to your throat and
squeeze. Remember, oh please, that favorite cool tender line from Joni, didn't
it feel good? I'm sure as hell it did. I know it
did for me. And, all things went over the bird painted cliffs after that.
Even now I hear the threatening sirens, I hear the bawling trains
and the gassed up falling apart cars, I hear the come-ons and
the music cranked up beyond belief like drinking Jack Daniels through a
very tiny thin straw. I don't want you to blow away from
me. How much more plain can I make this? It's not all
bad news out there as long as we can feel each other
in here. I don't care if they think that is crap on
a carnival stick or not. They never cared for poetry anyway. Some
of them made the sad scared choice to live among the boxed
and buried blades of grass like identical moths. That's okay with me.
This poem says we're still alive in there. It's no religion. Don't
let this song go to your head. Stay with you. Point to
you. If I could I'd press my fingertips up against yours. What
else? Maybe softly, maybe not. Things will always get back around to you
leaving us somehow. Not my lot in life. Now if you will
forgive me I must be dancing to meet the one who'll gladly
pronounce me back my real proper name before it gets to be too late for us.
Bonus Poems:
by Darryl Price
by Darryl Price
The world has long since been bootlegged by madmen. The new
invisible con men are the same as the old
visible con men, hiding and lying
behind their walls of lingering death. There's a weapon
wielding demon hell bent on an insane
vengeance crawling around inside this tough guy's
moneyed flesh suit who would be your willing
angry champion if you so choose it. He
thinks his pale thoughts are his own fleshy dreams. But they
belong to the old self-righteous gangsters
of a sick empire still trying to own
everything and everyone for naught else
but the genocidal trying for ultimate bragging rights. They are
smoke-ringed bored angels, wasting all time, the most
prejudiced dangerous kind. No longer
so interested in doing good works, but in
bigger threats and damaging nightingale
explosions amongst all the innocent
stars of the jungle night sky, blaming every
lending hand in time but themselves for the
smoldering destruction of the all life-
giving forests. It's sad, to be sure, but
it should come as no surprise. The war is
never quite finished with heartbreak. It just
gets handed down. Babies are born melting
into the inequality fight like
so many pelting raindrops. Young men are used like
flat nails to crack down doors with their foolish hard
heads, when all they want is to find someone to
open their saturated hearts to peace.
Girlfriends weep from every wounded corner,
in every dusty crack of dawn, from every stoned and
broken window, in every stinking smoke
stack town and try to shield the love in their care
from the lust of suffocating hate. And still that's just one
finger smudged revolving picture of life
happening behind the moving cut glass
frontier of our modern times. Listen. There
are others. You make one. You find one. Share it with us. Be the
one. Build not to destroy, but to welcome.
by Darryl Price
without looking at the words. I want to draw a picture of you
without setting my hat on fire. I want to swing you around in an open field
without thinking something's bound to go wrong. I want to touch your hands
without resorting to an old map found buried in a book on fairies.
To run with you in the downpour without looking for a quick squeezed
way in. Want to remember your face because it's resting in my fingers like a cherry
pit. I want to sit with you in front of the ocean without
planning to take one shell. I want to find you in a garden
without thinking I should remove my shoes first and put them under a
rose bush for safe keeping. I want to give you that dance without dropping all blanks
in the chamber for good luck. I want to embrace your name without
falling into an unmade ditch of spears head first. Want to drink your
trance without going home and putting myself to bed afterwards. I want to
play my guitar like a wounded warrior without having to explain the nature of all scars.
I want to leave my most careless poems on your doorstep without having
to fold up all the moonbeams into neat little rows before I go.
Feb. 2015
You Can Push Things(a daft first draft)
to the back of your mind like a box of unpacked beloved
books if you want, but that's no life I want to explore
any further with you. We don't have as much time as we
once did to believe in something other than an empty bottle of
dreams. Love is still real even when the mud begins to fizzle
and leap out of its own way. That's all I wanted to
say. I don't believe their lies any more now than I did
before I went missing. They want you to spit your love on
the ground like bitter drugs. To tear the bells out of the
golden dragon infested clouds like a fistful of wires. To sink the
last of the flower petal boats with heavy rocks. To smash all
singing birds to death against the brick walls. But I don't buy
their latest diet wars. Their brand name barrels of bargain smoking guns.
Their greasy gravy jars full of deliciously simmering coiled bombs. Their sick
little insurance run churches of the barbecued nightmares of innocent children. Listen.
Love is always going to be all even when all else is
floating to the burning ground. That's what I want you to remember
you already know. I'm not trying to get you to do anything
you don't want to do deep down inside. Don't join anything on
my behalf. I don't care. Just don't be boring. This poem is
where I stand. It's not some silly broken mystery rotting in a
cave. I live in the same awful world as you. And again.
Love is all you need. They want you to turn in your
hopes, but you know better. Love is like the sky all around. See it.
Darryl Price Wednesday,July 02, 2014
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Pouring out. I think I'd have liked to read this in prose form. Perhaps I read it as a denouement following a long hard trip. Never the less, I appreciate this and resonate with it more so than a finely crafted story. Pour it out, steady and strong. Hardhat zone, of images pelting.
"Even now I hear the threatening sirens, I hear the bawling trains"
Good piece.
I like your voice, even when it is darker than usual. *
Thanks, folks. I really appreciate your comments.As John once said to Paul, looking over his glasses,"It's only me."