Forum / Hello, h e l l o, h e l l o

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    May 04, 11:47pm

    The room echoes with a dying fall.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    May 05, 12:37am


    There is nothing to be heard here but the sound of one's own voice.

    Hey, I've got a great idea - why don't we start a movement to try to revitalize Fictionaut?

    THAT'S never been done before.


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    Adam Sifre
    May 05, 03:10pm

    Let's have a Trump vs. Clinton writing competition.

  • Panama_hat.thumb
    Nonnie Augustine
    May 06, 03:27pm

    Trump vs Clinton writing competition sounds good; Trump vs Clinton out in the big world, bad.

    Dunno. It may be quiet these days compared to others, but every time I read here, I find at least one gem.

  • Samuel Derrick Rosen
    May 06, 04:13pm

    What we really need is a diversity in poetic styles and approaches and not have everyone be taught by the same teacher.

    It is easier for me because I have never wanted to belong to a group.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    May 06, 04:55pm

    You sort of hinted at that when you "joined," Sam. And yet you stood tall thru the sniffs, snorts. raised eyebrows and such, and, lo, you remain!

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    Gary Hardaway
    May 07, 01:06am

    With all its faults and current state of abandonment, I sill find Fictionaut a daily treat. I wish its founders felt the same level of commitment.

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    John Riley
    May 11, 04:00pm

    I was a long-time participant at Eratosphere and it's a ghost of former self. I guess the day of writing boards is over.

  • Frankie Saxx
    May 18, 10:38am


  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    May 18, 09:41pm

    Hi, Frankie!

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