Forum / Oh Sandy! An Anthology of Humor for a Serious Purpose

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 07, 04:37pm

    I feel compelled to help people in my area that have been devastated by Sandy. I'm putting together an anthology to sell, ALL proceeds to go to food banks in NJ.

    I'm soliciting writing submissions for the anthology:

    Submission guidelines are there, basically humorous pieces, less than 3000 words. Pieces that don't make it into the anthology will still run on the site, with the writer's permission.

    Closing the submission window on 11/30, although I may extend it if I don't get enough material.

    (I'm still sorting out the legal side of donating to these organizations, they're swamped and haven't had time to get the forms to me.)

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Nov 07, 05:38pm

    A worthy cause. Great project, Lynn.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 08, 01:14am

    You say that now, but will you submit? ;) Please, folks, submit. Let's laugh a bit, and help out some hungry, cold people. Thanks.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 08, 03:30pm

    Just bumping this up. Because it's worth your consideration.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 08, 04:07pm

    It's so very cold here.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 08, 04:08pm

    We're up at Duotrope (@Duotrope) Listing: Oh Sandy! Anthology

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 08, 06:10pm

    We're up at @Duotrope

    Listing: Oh Sandy! Anthology

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 09, 01:53am

    I think I may spam this thread until I wake you up. Or give up, which is likely to happen sooner. Look, you're a clever bunch of writers. And you like being published. Why would you not submit a short, humorous piece that addresses the pain of natural disaster, or the indignity of living in New Jersey, or (best) both at once? I don't know. Where are you, fictionauters? I thought we were friends. Or something.

    I'm not done, I'll call again later. It's like breaking up with your high school boyfriend when you each go to different schools. SIGH.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Nov 09, 02:57am

    I wish I could help out on this one, Lynn, as I used to be a proud north Jersey girl, but my funny's just not there right now. I do hope some other great and funny folks will pitch in to get this off the ground for everyone in New Jersey and surrounding areas. They deserve all the help we can offer them.

  • Img_0592.thumb
    James Claffey
    Nov 09, 05:05am

    i'll give it a shot. funny? hmmmm. thinking cap is on...

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Nov 09, 05:32am

    Just looked at the guidelines. I'll have a look at what I've got, but not sure if any of it is 'disaster' related. I have a comical short story about that considered a disaster?

    Also, is previously published okay? Doesn't say in the guidelines (or I missed it).


  • Frankie Saxx
    Nov 09, 11:29am

    For you, Lynn, I will try and be funny.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 09, 12:30pm

    Previously published is fine. It doesn't have to be NJ related... something about human behavior in times of disaster also suits the theme.

    Thanks everyone. Spread the word?

  • Frankie Saxx
    Nov 12, 05:15pm

    Got many subs yet?

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 13, 01:46am

    A smattering. A small handful. Not nearly enough. But it's early, I imagine people are still writing.

    (Did get word that Tom Kennedy, an amazingly good author and mentor of mine, may be submitting something. We'll be in grand company.)

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Nov 16, 05:17pm

    I'll preview "Sandyfall" here first then submit. Thanks for the nudge and concept, Lynn.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Nov 18, 06:51pm

    Lynn, still accepting submissions for this anthology? The very short story takes me days now, instead of a day. I used to draft a standard short story in six hours. Rewrite, rewrite, return to the original. Now I rewrite, rewrite, and there is no original to go back to, and it takes days, 350 words. Sign of an aging brain or chastened heart.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 18, 09:41pm

    Ann, I am, until the end of December. So glad you're planning to submit a piece!

  • Frankie Saxx
    Nov 20, 12:50pm

    Lynn, is there a group for Oh Sandy?

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 20, 01:25pm

    I'll create one.

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 20, 01:29pm

    I mean yes. There's a group. Yes, of course there's a group.

    Ann Bogle, you should add your piece to it.

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Nov 20, 05:25pm

    Lynn, I sent you something but have not heard from you. Did you receive it? Perhaps foks like me have responded to you but have not heard back either?

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 20, 06:52pm

    Oh Robert, we did receive it, many thanks! I was relying on the automated system to let you know we got it, and then a personal response to come when we've review it (we're waiting until early December).

    I'm so sorry, and I'll make sure it's more clear for submitters!

    And thank you, thank you!

  • Frankie Saxx
    Nov 21, 10:01pm

    Is the deadline still November 30?

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 22, 01:17pm

    Frankie, it's December 31st.

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