Good news: my short story, "Knitting the unraveled sleeves" was chosen as a finalist entry in the Eric Hoffer Award competition and for publication in the annual anthology "Best New Writing 2013" available from Hopewell Publications in October of this year.
Bad news: the short list is out for the Prose award and I'm not on it.
Either way, it's an honor and I'm thrilled to have the story included in the anthology. It's difficult enough to place short stories of any length and this is one of about seven pieces in the range of 4-10,000 words I've written over the past two years.
One down, six to go.
Yay for you, James! Congratulations to a fine writer. I am pleased for you and your success.
Congratulations, James. That's very exciting news, and entirely deserved.
Great news, James. Congratulations to you.
Thanks, everyone. Even better news (for me at least) is that my WIP novel, tentatively titled "Trajectory" is about 50 pages from completion.
Knitting the unravelled sleeves is a great title.
Congrats, James!
Thanks, Robin, Gessy. "Knitting..." is a story about which I'm particularly proud, one of several I'd written as a collection of related stories I thought I'd put together under the title, "Dime novel dreams of Canada."
Silly me, for thinking short story collections were salable. But I put a lot of work into them, love each one of the stories and hope to find a home for all of them together in print someday.
Very well done, James!
Congrats James! A tremendous honor. Looking forward to seeing the antho in print. Peace...
Congratulations, JLD!
I have no doubt that the spirit of Eric Hoffer very much admires your work. And congratulations on the inclusion in Best New Writing 2013--that's very exciting. Great honor.
good work! keep going...
Thanks all. Jane I've always admired Eric Hoffer's ideas and observations, so that's a plus.
Glad to hear the 'longer' short story still has a place in society, being written, being read, being recognized.
Great news, JLD.
Congratulations, JLD. You deserve this and much much more. Let us know when the anthology becomes available. I'll be buying it for sure.
Sally, Andrew... thank you both.
Well earned and well deserved, James!