aimée laberge

Location chicago
Occupation writer/wannabe arctic explorer

aimée laberge's Wall

Darryl Price – Mar 04, 2009

I have to admit I'm more of a Yellow Submarine kind of fellow myself but this picture begs for a story! It's got to be a woozy. Tell us please.

Jessica West – Feb 09, 2009

Thank you A. I went nuts at the Dr Zhivago store-- and have five of them now, from Geraldine Chaplin to Julie Christie to Omar Shariff. White, Brown, Black. This means I'm ready to go to the Arctic with you on that boat. We can write about it. And then post the stories of our adventures here.

Marcy Dermansky – Nov 19, 2008

Breaking news: Herzog's film came out on DVD. It always happens so fast.

Corey Zeller – Nov 19, 2008

Holy shit!

I mean, what a picture!

It looks like you captained a giant pink boat and sailed it through the artic.

I'd love to see you write a book called "Snow" in some kind of encyclopedic, postmodern format.

Isadora Wagner – Nov 18, 2008

Thanks for the invite. I signed up!

Jessica West – Oct 11, 2008

waiting for atonement....

Marcy Dermansky – Sep 07, 2008

"Encounters at the End of the World" is the only film I can think of. It should probably be out on DVD soon. I bet it would really interest you. I can't tell if Herzog is mocking the people who live in Antarctica or if he admired them.

Marcy Dermansky – Sep 04, 2008

There is something thrilling about your picture. I wish I could claim to be a wanna arctic explorer (except that you are already there). Have you seen Herzog's new film?

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