walks from to walks to

by strannikov

dogs' gods


high god of Cynics, Anubis: we've learned

the creed of dogs to their crosses bound fast

their growling teeth gnashing with barking bites.


what did Anubis once do for a dog?

—fill water bowls in Osiris's house?

—netherworld tours, mummy dogs on two legs?


what dog crucified in Rome prayed to his god?

before Anubis, Cynics growled and gnashed

their barking teeth howling with snarling bites:


with no dog letter prayers could not be growled.



filling thirsty moats


her cups held more spirits than Dylan's drinks,

his oxygenated pints of beer the same

discipline of drink (but for the proof—


and the volume). Dylan tossed thirsty gulps

to drown dead his cruel exile from green youth,

refused decades' distance from his green child.


Caitlin never lost her tongue, it grew stiff

and grew more stone than some men's coddled spines:

her tongue stayed sharp but for blunts from her bites


and burns to her teeth competing with thirst

intended to drown escapes from green pasts.


uncertain silence


the silence we hear this rain has rehearsed

for rinsing those corpses hiding outdoors

(more than we know do dead lie afield).


this silence the rain leaves for the alive

doesn't last like that that covers the dead:

our silence can be glimpsed through windows brief.


rain in all truth washing away the dead

is rain when seeing silence we look through.

walks from to walks to


hands slide into gloves unseen

eyes disappear behind glass

the crank turns the flywheel spins:

every octave has droppt low

sub-sonic shudders within—

die Zwischenwelt und Nungeist,

die Nunwelt und Zwischengeist!


whatever may have leaked out

the odd leakt in to replace:

'twixt attraction and repulse

racing from red desert rusts

velocities steered to sink—

in this unique and fresh day

beheld only with fresh eyes.


our alchemists are alive

the ones before Marlowe born

those who've given us today:

'twere their eternal intent—


to hasten every event:

so now hasten this world's ends.


there'll be careless days again

brilliant clouds will cross bright skies

strange waters will float downstream

much less tumult to go 'round:

some vegetation will thrive

some animals may survive

most cities will lose their voice.


no one dares to breathe one step—

anvils droppt could have sure aim

to punish future intents

(no tomorrows guaranteed

ever offer money back):

may sun and moon walk us through

the speeding moments that can wait.

