by strannikov
“progress” is our myth
that the future we possess,
that our pasts are dead.
buildings older than
entire nations still stand, stone
staircases still trod.
photography shows
just what telescopy tells:
all we see is past.
plays, poems, and prose
composed centuries ago
continue to speak.
the past is not dead:
if it were, we'd have no words
nor could we hide stars.
our futures still mute,
we do not hear in advance,
our sound is so slow.
“history” ebbs not,
flows not: our sentiments do
but with vigor slosh.
“égalité”? where?
never in France, nowhere else,
no ideal world here.
“reason” itself now
counts as a myth, such a vain
and elusive trait:
you sometimes still hear
rational lunatics sing
moving hymns to “truth”.
“truth”, fanciful “truth”,
“truth” itself some less than myth,
some less than “half-truth”.
(if “truth” does exist,
it continues to exceed
both our reach and grasp.)
Holy Science says:
“our tall cathedrals console
with hieratic truths,
and with lethal truths:
with our hieroglyphic math
do we conquer all.”
science and math lie:
these cannot tell truth entire,
Reason's halfwit slaves.
medieval the new:
days of rational belief
and mythical thought.
once poets restore
their tongues, then can they speak 'twixt
shadows and their things.
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The comedy of this set is not obvious: this could be a defect: can't be helped.
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I do love hopeful endings! i.e
"once poets restore
"their tongues, then can they speak 'twixt
"shadows and their things."
To me, this is all philosophy rolled into one--from Plato on and back, altered on the return. Poets can do that.
"Holy Science says:
'our tall cathedrals console
with hieratic truths,
and with lethal truths:
with our hieroglyphic math
do we conquer all.'"
Fascinating sting lines, Edward.
Good closing.