by Rene Foran
what it all once was, always is
for you i bring the circus
reinvent the shine
just light reflecting off the hook
spinning round and round
coming going
rammed, jammed
but i always find a way
off the line
someday it'll be enough
but not yet
and what you see now
is all that you'll know
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an ode to The Wrestler
Great film. Nice paean to the heart of it.
"...but not yet..." is everyman's theme, one we all sing in the end.
you are absolutely right about that, James.
Beautiful, tragic and entrancing. There is a mood to this poem that keeps me wanting to re-read it. One suggestion:
"what you see now is all that
you'll know"
But of course, it works well as is.
Thanks, Roberto. Keep re-reading as long as you like :)
"and what you see now is all that you'll know".
That about sums up everything under heaven.
Very good poem
Thank you, Susan. I appreciate you taking the time to read my stuff :)
Oh I love this, deceptively simple and hypnotic.
gosh, this is good