February: Letter From a Friend After Fifteen Years
by Matt Mason
The email from Christine was about our friend Linda,
in the hospital and not
doing well. I'll save you
the details and the feelings.
What I offer to tell
is that my four-year old daughter can't sleep tonight
because she finally noticed at church
how a man's body hangs grotesquely
off the planks of the cross. She can't sleep,
wanting to ask about Jesus
and death, how he died, what bad man did this,
was he thirsty or hungry, where are his friends, his mommy, his daddy, am I
going to die and leave her
alone. As
you can imagine,
my answers
are less than awesome, stumbling more
the steadier they struggle to sound. I try
describing Easter
in a way that makes sense
to her, in a way that makes sense
to me. And she finds calm
in the word “Easter,”
thinking about chocolate
and, for some reason, our dog Panda. I think
of you tonight, Linda, I pray
for Easter to interrupt this long cold, I pray
to come see California again soon
and visit, my daughter chasing your kids
in a kitchen, yellow roses in a vase on the counter,
their smell crackling in the air
all that we can conjure
from the word “Easter”
bringing us back.

This piece has a huge, beautiful heart that made a huge impression on me.
like this! fave!
I love the emotion in this--the nostalgia for a brighter past. Nice work.
The longing in this is beautiful and painful, making it all the more powerful.*
The only thing I would change are the line breaks to create a more uniform appearance on the page. Unless, of course, you intend the ragged line lengths to mimic the theme. Otherwise, this is a strong, honest poem. I like it much.*
nicely done
Amen brother. Good piece. Good indeed. *
This moved me. Quietly. Strongly. *
This is what poetry should do.