"Oh, God. What do we say? If we tell him what we really think, then he'll be furious. If we tell him what he wants to hear, then we'll be lying."
"It will be a violation of all our consciences, but yes— we must lie."
"He'll know, and he'll be livid. We should tell him the truth."
"Yes, but that's selfish. He'll see we're only guarding our own consciences at his expense."
"But if we lie, then he'll develop an exaggerated sense of his own importance."
"Fine. Let's kill him."
100 words
All rights reserved.
Author's Note
First draft appeared as a 100 word story on Usenet talk.bizarre July 29, 1992. Revised January 2010, longer than 100 words. Revised again March 2010— is exactly 100 words again.
Sometimes ya gots to do whatcha gots to do.
Ha! Yes, what Matt said.