A Parody of Keats
I stood at silent thought upon a clump
Of nettles, swaying in the od'rous air-
That blew from my own trousers, by the dump;
That it had not blown more lent me despair.
The dulcet horn gave melody, rare buglist,
To the weeds, that flutter'd so, sweet clarion,
Methought they were enraptured, by the gust
That wrapt them there, and then away was gone;
But friend, when you my feckless ears did greet,
With trumpet-blast of more obnoxious breath,
My greater powers fled, scourge so unmeet;
The air seemed quail'd: it was as of a death;
So now I feel my own airs were unkind,
It makes me sham'd, to bray their evil wind.
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I love Keats. I hope that this is evident from the care I've given to the parody.
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"But friend, when you my feckless ears did greet, With trumpet-blast of more obnoxious breath" -- Please keep doing these parodies.
Extremely powerful and moving description of the anguish of flatulence.
Evil wind, indeed. Festoons Chaucer, as well, with garlands lilacy, dewy and fresh. *
Thanks, Em, Sam and Matthew. I've got a load of these. I'm planning to put more up, right up until I get some more recent poems done. :)
This deserves more favs
Sam - Perhaps the Swinburne parody I'm sticking up next, or the Blake, or Poe, or Ginsberg, might attract more viewers. :)
Adroit politicking can assist in getting faves in this community, Iain. Despite our best intentions (and Sally's sly scoffs), it's a tit for tat world--in here as well as out there. And such sucking up might even be defended as practice for the brutal world of "free-market" capitalism, which we know will continue to run the show until Bernie's Revolooooshun seizes the reins and...what? Hey! It's a free country! First Amendment, etc...HALP!!
Matt - I'll get around to it. The problem is that I'm usually around on the Internet in the daytime during the hours that eat up my deadline for an e-book I'm putting out.
A wind so sharp it goes through one's trou without renting your smalls. Keats be damned, the ultimate fart: A Saturn V rocket. *
Thanks, Daniel. I think the narrator is using some new species of ultrasonic technology.