by Darryl Price
What do you want me to tell you
about this next full moon cycle that you don't
already intuitively seem to have touched upon in your latest bout of almost there dreams? It too will
pass? That it is a totally different unfair animal
from the repellent one already tightly wrapped onto
the now familiar cosmic branch of wheel and wind,
fastened to the one short road curving on ahead? Food's craved altogether differently from a
different set of insect lips? Well, okay, then it is,
a storm perfectly round in nature is coming after you, if you
choose to look at it in that cruel of a way, only
that's your perfect freedom on a sixth sense kind
of pathway, so go ahead enjoy it, but it's also exactly
the same eternal energy source at the root
of any tree, in that the love connection
we all know to be there somewhere at
the center of every coming into our being's central pulse, we feel tightening in our veins
is still the very real affection we all
get to have all the time at the
deepest levels as it gets played out or
played through on any number of different channels
of our personal heaven or hell. Like the sea it
changes salts all the time and it also
strangely stays the same tasting forever. Not so
much like you are always staring at the
sun's brilliantly mirrored facial expressions mind you, more like waking
up in the new morning's pop of muscle and nerve, as simple as that.
It is the Supreme Is that's got that
certain swing, baby. Philosophers accepted this crazy spatial mathematical
ring a long, long time ago, but it
only gets them mad as hell the more
they think about it. And of course since
they think about it so very deeply and sometimes childishly
often they drive themselves slowly insane as a
by-product of all that wasted head space. Poets of
course thought about it in terms of their
wildest erotic visions and decided it all made
the grandest sense as a beautifully carved musical
instrument that could only be heard by sad
angels and certain shy children. Angels see it
as a normal wormhole, not to be equated
with miracles at all, on any level. SO BE VERY CAREFUL where you tread. And
so forth, and so on. The oldest of mysteries
are always yours to wrestle with whenever you'd like,
but please be aware of your own pulsating
mind at work at its most self-preserving-first, forward thinking best, its constantly conniving up its own tricky sleeve
best, as it gives a right answer to
the question you ask for and nothing more. Here's
the whole hinted at trick: you can't always ask by
asking, you can only ask sometimes by doing,
or by believing, by living, or by dying.
by Darryl Price
That Bowling for Rain by Darryl Price
You have come home to me like
children, all colorfully garbed and hungry for
own humming and able abode. I'm grateful
to dance! We dance what it means
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Everything is someone's latest teacher.Some part of you will always remember a time of joyful noises before the time of sorrowful fear. You live deep in the dream we all share and you live as the dream itself. That straddling of those twin energies awakens the dreamer to action. It doesn’t make you a bad or a good person. It gives you the opportunity to be creative in cooperation with everything else going on. You could say down but what is up? Only what you agree upon together. Otherwise it's war all the time.It’s the fair agreement reached that settles the gravity disc into its natural holding place in the center of your being like a rechargeable battery . Turn on your butterflies and let them roar off into the sunset before the snowflakes pile over the hill in a new disaster of their own warring factions.
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Existentially sound essay, enjoyed. Tweeted, too. It made me think that perhaps you should write a blog. (easiest:
Beauteous. Love it!
There's a beautiful stillness, a sense of acceptance in the flow of these words. Lovely and enjoyable to read.