Blah, Blah, Blah ... Something about mixed drinks or mixed news reports.
Mixed messages and mix tapes.
We quickly changed the conversation and the tone of it.
For some reason she wanted to discuss pawns and positions on a chess board while Nietzsche's name floated past the smell of cheap vodka and an unnecessary candle flame.
I didn't know shit about chess and she hadn't even heard of the STD'd philosopher.
Obviously in the wrong place; we bailed.
77 Words (11-30-2011)
So I got drunk on fun
and shouted out
It wasn't a particularly typical Saturday.
My mom slapped me
and my dad...
he looked the other way.
That winter had been the coldest winter I can remember.
I ignored the television and nearly froze from the absence of its heat.
I pushed away the paper and frowned the day long while the cat rubbed her head against my frozen nose.
That was a damn cold winter.
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166 words
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I like the way you use the line length in your pieces. Of the 4 I've read, D(evolution) I found the most effective in this regard. What line variation has allowed you to do is to be quite inventive - you place the words in strategic positions for the eye to pick out - much as a poem might do, yet you still present the words obviously as prose, as story. Playing with form and setout tends to impress me - so kudos to you.
Thanks so much for the comment, Eamon. I like to play around with word length and to limit myself with words as much as possible, so I'm very glad to get any feedback on how it reads!
Cool stuff. Amusing too, in their harsh way. I like the terse narrative of both pieces. Oh! hey, I forgot to count the words—no wonder the pieces are terse/tight. Hmmmm. . . there seems to be 78 words in the 1st., do you need to drop one of the “Blah”?! Whatever, an interesting way to restrict the word-count-narrative. Anyway, particular reason for doing so?
Thanks, Ed! Glad you like them. And thanks for pointing out that the word count wasn't quite right. I'll have to go in and take something out.
Actually, I started writing at this length as a daily exercise simply to MAKE me write. It kind of forces me to do it and the shortness of it makes it all the more interesting to me.
Anthony, having some previous exposure to your 77 story concept, I really like these here, also. Terse is a great word, even dire circumstances which drive the story forward in each nugget.
Thanks a lot, Robert! Really glad you enjoy these pieces. Since I've started the format it's been difficult for me to want to write more than 77 words. It's become somewhat of a game that is extremely addicting.
Liked the drunk on fun one best.
Thanks, Bill. Out of all of them, that's my favorite one as well. Thanks for reading!