Jesus Wept

by Julie Britt, Nov 11, 2009 | 9 comments


by David Eric Tomlinson, Nov 03, 2009 | 2 comments


by Victoria Lancelotta, Oct 03, 2009 | 7 comments

Hat Shop Girls

by Marcy Dermansky, Oct 08, 2009 | 7 comments

Hunting the Thylacine

by Geoffrey Fox, Aug 27, 2009 | 0 comments

  1. Months ago…
  2. Hi guys Sorry I have not posted anything new or been active on F for awhile. I have started work on a novel that has been a burden on my soul for a few years now. I am testing the opening ...
  3. joined.
  4. sent Berlin Terror to the group.
  5. sent Billets Doux to the group.
  6. joined.
  7. sent Tree Voices (revised) to the group.
  8. sent Wait What? (revised) to the group.
  9. sent Wait What? (revised) to the group.