Title | Posts | Author | Latest Post | ||||||
50% off Your Rannu Submission | 1 | JM Prescott | over 14 years ago by JM Prescott | ||||||
Entry Rules | 1 | JM Prescott | over 14 years ago by JM Prescott | ||||||
Supporting writers of the best speculative fiction and poetry.
Founded July 8, 2008 by writers/editors Sandra Kasturi and Brett Alexander Savory, in honour of the 30th wedding anniversary of Sandra's mother and step-father, and their contributions to the arts and education both in Canada and Estonia.
The Fund offers two awards per year of $500 CDN each, one for fiction, one for poetry, granted to two writers of speculative literature (i.e., science fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism, surrealism, etc.), of any nationality/place of residence.
http://rannu.webs.comThis is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.