Forum / Top 50 Literary Magazines

  • 0804d24.thumb
    Matthew A. Hamilton
    Sep 29, 06:08pm

    <b class='notice'>This post has been removed due to a DMCA takedown request by the copyright owner.</b>

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    Cherise Wolas
    Sep 29, 06:14pm

    Thank you for providing this. It was incredibly generous of effort, time and spirit!

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    Jules Archer
    Sep 29, 09:06pm

    Wow - we definitely owe you one.

    Thank you so much, Matthew!

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    stephen hastings-king
    Sep 30, 07:07am

    thanks for compiling this list.

    i'm curious though: when you say "best" what do you mean?

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    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Sep 30, 07:44am

    Thanks Matt -- a lot of work here, and with all the little linkies!

    What's the source? Though I am quite happy if they are your picks! Peace...

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    Ann Bogle
    Sep 30, 07:47am

    Matthew, very generous of you to provide this list.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Sep 30, 08:01am

    Excellent list, Matthew. Thanks for the effort.

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    D'Arcy Fallon
    Sep 30, 12:42pm

    Thank you so much, Matthew.

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    Matthew A. Hamilton
    Sep 30, 06:43pm

    Thanks everyone, but it wasn't that difficult to do.

    Linda, not my list, although some of them are on my list, like The Kenyon Review and Glimmer Train. I think I pulled it from "Poets and Writers." I went through so many links to find it, I forget which one I started with.

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    Marcus Speh
    Oct 01, 09:51am

    a great compilation, thanks for finding it, matthew. i did notice that it seems to only contain american (one canadian?) magazines, though. looking at you from the outside (berlin, germany), i wonder what's up with the rest of the (english-speaking/reading) world. india. australia. new zealand. most of western europe and england. ireland. prenzlauer berg (that's my neighborhood in berlin which is stuffed with english writers: ;-) ... must search but perhaps someone got a list at hand. let's globalise!

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 01, 01:02pm

    A global list would be great. It should be noted that some fine Canadian literary journals will not entertain submissions from the States, so if someone has the time to compile such a list, they should be sensitive to restrictions.

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    Matthew A. Hamilton
    Oct 01, 06:08pm

    Good idea Marcus. I'll explore.

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    Randal Houle
    Oct 02, 12:59am

    Matthew, YOU ROCK!!!!

  • This thread was locked on 2011-04-26 05:38:40 UTC.

    Matthew -- I wish you would have simply linked to the content. The original post can be found courtesy Richard Edwards, at <>.