Forum / self publishing question

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    Oliver Hunt
    Oct 07, 10:23pm

    There's a lot of information regarding books on demand, etc.
    But I was wondering what people's experience with printers was, if they had any recommendations, etc.

    A couple of specifics- I'm thinking a couple of 5x5 softcovers, between about 90- 150 pages.

    Any advice is appreciated.

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    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 07, 10:53pm

    I'd say LuLu and CreateSpace are the two most popular, and it is all about esthetics. I prefer the look of the latter, versus a LuLu book. Just my preference. You could ask advice from folks like Matt Potter at Pure Slush or others who own their own presses? That might help you?

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    Oliver Hunt
    Oct 07, 10:55pm

    Thank you Robert.

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    J.A. Pak
    Oct 07, 11:29pm

    I've used Createspace and my experiences with them were okay. They also provide sales distribution channels like Amazon.

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    Amanda Harris
    Oct 07, 11:55pm

    I self-published a couple of (admittedly horrible) poetry and fiction books using Lulu in my the time, I was just happy to have a book with my name on it, but in retrospect, the quality of Lulu's books leave a lot to be desired.

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    Chris Okum
    Oct 08, 03:51am

    I've tried to create books on createspace and lulu and every single time it's a fucking disaster.

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    Ann Bogle
    Oct 08, 01:30pm

    I created two volumes of my blog using Book Smart software by Blurb, Inc. I needed to contact their customer service dept. yesterday, and someone replied promptly. The quality of the printing is good. Copies are pricy, but my two volumes are large format and color/b/w.

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    Mathew Paust
    Oct 08, 02:43pm

    I understand most of the print-on-demand work is done by the same outfit. Based in the Carolinas, I think. I did two with and one with CreateSpace. Dunno when you last tried CreateSpace, Chris, but it went fairly easily for me (couple years ago), and it's free. Doing it thru Amazon allows you to price them competitively, as Amazon's minimums for listings there by other publishers are much higher, especially for ebooks.

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