Forum / Joani Reese's "Simulacra" Wins 15th Glass Woman Prize

  • Beate_close-up-0334_copy_(1).thumb
    Beate Sigriddaughter
    Apr 04, 05:05am

    If you haven't read it before, here it is:

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Apr 04, 08:12am

    Congratulations Joani.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Apr 04, 11:57am


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    Misti Rainwater-Lites
    Apr 04, 12:09pm

    Well-deserved. It's bloody brilliant.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Apr 04, 01:14pm


  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Apr 04, 02:36pm

    Great story, great prize, great writer. Perfect selection. Congratulations, Joani.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Apr 04, 05:02pm

    Thank you to all who commented here. Beate deserves the credit for her selfless support of female writers. Thank you, Beate. You are a wonderful soul.

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    J.A. Pak
    Apr 04, 07:13pm

    Congrats, Joani! And hear! hear! to Beate!

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Apr 04, 07:28pm

    Congrats, Joanie! And, yes, huge thanks to Beate for supporting and promoting women writers.

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    Amanda Harris
    Apr 04, 08:51pm

    Congrats Joani!

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    Nonnie Augustine
    Apr 15, 01:51pm

    Congratulations, Joani! And, yes, thanks Beate for doing this.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Apr 16, 01:05am

    Thanks all. I am humbled and pleased that my tiny story "Simulacra" that began as a poem many years ago called "Paper Dolls" found its way to becoming a piece of flash that matters a little bit. I appreciate your support.

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    Susan Gibb
    Apr 16, 07:42pm

    Woo-hoo! It's a beauty, Joani. I'm slowly catching up on the readings there because I know how wonderful the pieces are, and how Beate picks the best of the best.

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