Some of you may have already heard the news, but I wanted to give Christopher Allen a big CONGRATS! for winning The Smoking Poet's Third Annual Short Story Contest for his amazing story "Red Toy Soldier" (up on F'naut now and also here:
Congratulations Chris!
Great story. Congratulations, Christopher.
Thank you, Julie, for the ecouragement. You've got me blushing.
And, Sam. Thank you very much. :)
Powerfully written story. Congratulations, Chris.
ecouragement is not a typo. That's encouragement on the Internet.
Hey, Matthew! Thanks. :)
Is there room on this bandwagon?
Here I come!
Congratulations Chris! Just read the story over at TSP - gorgeous! Got me in the gut. Peace...
That's terrific! Congratulations on some great work!
Hi, Matt, Linda and Susan. Thank you! :)
Chris, I just saw this thread! Wow! The story deserved to win! It's a complex layered tale told really well. Congrats!
Hi, everyone,
I just recieved a mail from The Smoking Poet. Apparently, I broke the rules by posting the story on Fictionaut. Once she explained the situation to me, I understand completely, and I suppose posting the story on Fictionaut is taking traffic away from The Smoking Poet.
Please, if you have time, go to the Smoking Poet and read "Red Toy Solider" there. It might help the strange feeling I have in my gut right now.
Will go there immediately and read it!
Went there and read the story again. Congratulations, Christopher. It deserves as much recognition and more.
I really enjoyed the story, complex as Susan said. It made me uncomfortable in a good way--all the communication misfires and little soldiers.
Have gone to Smoking Poet several times, Christopher, to read your piece. Marvelous story.
Chris - sorry to hear this, reading and rereading and forwarding to other readers. Keep us posted.
I too went to Smoking Poet several times to read. Wonderful story, Chris - sorry to hear about this.
Christopher, I have found time, gone to the Smoking Poet, and read "Red Toy Solider" there. I hope that helps to alleviate the strange feeling you have in your gut right now. Congratulations on winning FIRST PRIZE in The Smoking Poet’s Third Annual Short Story Contest.