Forum / slumps

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Jul 25, 11:35pm

    This is how it is for me:

    Up, idea, idea, idea, write write, idea, idea, write, idea, idea


    Up, idea, write write, idea, write write write.

    What do you do in the slump, can you willfully end it? How?

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 26, 12:11am

    When the words aren't coming, or the energy is down, time, whatever, I step up my reading game.

    Over the last year or so I've really worked on "reading like a writer," and at this point I consider reading to be essentially the same as writing, if I'm reading challenging enough work. I'm reading more philosophy and history than I used to, reading "big" novels, plays, etc.

    As far as writing through a slump goes, I've learned that, for me, trying to force it results in... forced writing. Wow! Obviously you can revise that stuff later, but I've found it better, when the words grind to a halt, to pick up someone else's.

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 26, 12:39am

    I've also noticed that I tend to slump very badly over the holidays, so I think I might head that problem off by shutting down the writing for November and December. Reading only for those two months.

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 01:32am

    I go to The Idea Storeā„¢.

    It's AMAZING what you can find there!

    (if you just keep looking...)

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 26, 01:59am

    I heard Jonah Lehrer used to go there, but got his membership revoked.

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 02:11am

    Well you can't go there and STEAL!!!

    (unless you are very very discreet...)

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    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 26, 02:35am

    They took his picture and pinned it to a wall with others like him.

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 02:42am

    (I DID walk out once with one of Ezra Pound's ideas, but I was humming Gangnam Style WHILE jitterbugging, which effectively prevented any of the local losers (I mean security guys) from approaching.

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    J.A. Pak
    Jul 26, 02:58am

    I think of slumps as necessary refresh periods. I try not to think about writing. If that fails, I work on old stories, editing and rethinking them. I find other arts a help too, like going to art galleries, playing music, etc.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jul 26, 03:09am

    I bought the entire box set of Nietzsche at the Idea Store.

    When I got it home, there was nothing inside.

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 03:32am

    Even porn stars know to give their creative organs a rest now and then.

    You can't work ALL THE TIME unless (you suffer from some kind of dithorder).

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Jul 26, 03:44am

    To paraphrase: let everything you do no matter how common or routine, including the slumps, be an act of love toward all beings, including yourself. How? Be it.Don't deny it. Let it come and let it go. All things must pass. Stay awake.Catch the next wave.Be glad it's not all the same thing all the time.Listen to the sound of the slumps being you and then not being you.Carry on.I agree with visiting other arts such as music, comedy, dance, walking, gardening,drawing or painting, even volunteering...whatever it takes to restore the balance.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jul 26, 04:15am

    Love me.

    Love my slump.

    But really, I think labeling it a 'slump' and identifying it as a problem, rather than a natural part of the process, *is* the problem.

    A road can goes up hills and down valleys, but if you're on it, you're still headed somewhere.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jul 26, 04:18am

    'a road can goes?'


    (That's what you get when you buy your ideas from the bargain bin...)

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 04:20am

    (they bring in the good stuff on Tuesdays, around four...mum's the word)

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jul 26, 04:23am

    (thanks for the tip - I'll be back next Tuesday around 4:10)

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 04:26am

    You're setting yourself up for failure!

    I said FOUR!

    Which means GETTING THERE at midnight the day before and standing in line SIXTEEN HOURS!

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jul 26, 04:41am

    oh, SHIT!!

    THAT'S what I've been doing wrong.

    That 'splains a lot...

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 26, 05:04am

    "But really, I think labeling it a 'slump' and identifying it as a problem, rather than a natural part of the process, *is* the problem."

    Sally Houtman is smart.

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 05:10am


    Consider the chef/gourmand.

    He/she/it cooks a wonderful meal, eats a wonderful meal and then, for a while, feels no need or interest in the act of cooking/eating.

    Are they in a slump?

    Must, CAN, one cook and eat constantly?

    Is there to be no time for excretion and sleep?

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 26, 05:12am

    you gotta wash the pots and pans in preparation for the next meal, and this takes a certain amount of time...

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 26, 05:54am


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    Ann Bogle
    Jul 26, 02:18pm

    The slump never bothers me. I do something else to occupy myself, and I realize, there are as many others who would prefer my slump to last as there are who would prefer it to end and for my writing to stay lit and keep coming and begin transforming something out of the cross-country air.

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    David Ackley
    Jul 26, 11:00pm

    Opening a vein sometimes helps.

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 27, 04:44am

    Basketball players like the feel, the touch, of the ball in their hands.

    Poets like the feel, the touch, of words on their tongue.

    Not every encounter with The Ball must result in a championship game win.

    Not every encounter with The Word must result
    in a MAJOR WORK.


    For the true basketball player it's life-affirming to touch The Ball.

    For the true poet is life-affirming to touch The Word.


    It's all about play.

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 27, 04:46am

    deadly serious

    (but still rooted in the infantile)

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 27, 04:48am

    ((love of rhythm and results))

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 27, 01:50pm

    ball don't lie

  • Jalousie.thumb
    stephen hastings-king
    Jul 27, 04:46pm

    I usually tinker with things regardless..but when they ain't happening, I try to work things into some sort of shape and then put them away to steal from or rework or ignore later.

    Or I listen to rhythm & sound. To wit:

    this is for your loud-playing enjoyment.

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