Forum / Ann Bogle has 3 stories up at CPR today

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Sep 05, 01:38pm

    I think they're wonderful. (Of course, I do.)

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    James Claffey
    Sep 05, 02:41pm

    they are pretty great!

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Sep 05, 06:26pm

    These are all fantastic and I re-posted them (I hope this is cool, Barry) in my HUMP day blog at One Writer's Life:

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Sep 05, 07:46pm

    Gorgeous and to the point--that's Ann. Super flashes, and disturbing. Peace...

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Sep 05, 08:33pm

    Yes, Robert, thanks. Anything that points the way to CPR is fine with me. I love the stuff that goes up there and want others to enjoy the site, too.

    Picking the favorite(s) of the year will again be difficult...

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Sep 05, 11:48pm


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    RW Spryszak
    Sep 06, 11:50am

    I'm a big fan. Where's she been btw?

  • Apc_logo_02.thumb
    Sep 06, 11:31pm

    Congrats, Ann!

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    Matthew Robinson
    Sep 07, 04:14am

    "Hysteria" is a gorgeous hammer through my soul. Amazing writing, Ann Bogle.

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Sep 10, 01:18pm

    Congratulations Ann! Wonderful work!

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Sep 19, 09:28am

    Thanks to all of you who found these stories. Barry Basden showed great grace and skill in the way he selected them. I feel so impressed by that.

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