I am now officially a poetry reader for Drunken Boat: http://www.drunkenboat.com/
Submit your work.
Wow. Congrats!
Congratulations, Matthew!
Fabulous Matt! Did youaccept brownies along with the submissions? ;^)
Excellent! Way to go!
Linda, I know he likes Sno*Caps..
they could work as a bribe.
Sweet! Congrats to you.
Way to go, Matt! Fun! Congrats!
Thank you. Haha Susan. Sno*Caps indeed.
The Submission Manager for Drunken Boat doesn't have a category for poetry. Are you currently reading for poetry?
Use Submission Manager or send to you directly through Fictionaut?
Hi Bill,
Working out some kinks. Having a meeting about submissions on Sat. Will let you know the result.
Nice going Matthew! Have fun!
It's a great magazine! Congratulations!
Thanks, Gloria.
Drunken Boat is currently not accepted poetry submissions. But please keep checking back.