How to single-space stanzas/lines.
Vury sumple.
Use Shift+Return/Enter instead of the typical Return/Enter.
It's also a good thing for between prose paragraphs.
(And thanks again to Jurgen for showing me this.)
Bibbity bump for the newbies
Did not know.
R. A.
Thanks, I didn't know how to do this.
Doin' my part to move it on down...
Doin' my part to move it back up ...
[04m v
Hmm it doesn't seem to be working for me... =/
Ah okay, sorry! I just figured it out! I just needed to switch from safari to firefox. :)
"That's some funny stuff, I don't care you are."
--Larry the Cable Guy
That's "I don't care WHO you are," you two-headed so-and-so!
I usually paste from a Word doc into Fictionaut, but when that gives me unwanted double-spacing, I'll then paste it into Wordpad, and copy it from there to paste into FN.
Mama polar bear and Baby polar bear were in the bathtub.
Mama polar bear said, "Pass the soap."
Baby polar bear said, "What do you think I am, a radio?"