Forum / Signing off for a bit. . .

  • Img_0654-2.thumb
    MaryAnne Kolton
    Dec 07, 04:52am

    Dearest virtual friends,

    As I have taken on more responsibilities, I find I have less and less time to write. As is often the case, "something's gotta give". So I will not be participating in FN for awhile.

    I want to gather you all together for a group hug and say thank you. Thank you so much for supporting me as I began to write once again. You gave me the courage to fight through the rejections, to suffer the ignominy of my first attempts and the love to continue on.

    You will all remain close in my heart.

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    Lynn Beighley
    Dec 07, 04:01pm

    You will be missed, MaryAnne. I look forward to your return.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Dec 07, 09:54pm

    Write, woman, write! I, too, will be scarce for a while, but will pop in a couple times a week when I can--this really is the best place to sample the best writing on the web, and I enjoy it so much I can't quit it entirely, but my writing, too, has suffered lately from all of my other commitments. We'll knock around on Facebook.

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Dec 07, 11:17pm

    Not quitting entirely, just need to get caught up. . .thanks to you both.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Dec 08, 12:48am

    I was forced to take a leave of absence myself a while ago from Fictionaut because of difficult circumstances way beyond my contol. It felt awful, and it hurt deeply, but there's something about this particular writer's community which draws you back into its fold eventually.You find yourself wanting to write something that the community as a whole will embrace and champion, even when other things in your life are falling sadly apart. Personally I could see no future of any kind, and I still live day to day, but my writing now gives me more true purpose than I think I ever knew possible. So I returned with my poet's tail between my legs and a handful of newly written things to offer up as sopping apologies. To my surprise everything had changed already, but I closed my scared eyes, and jumped back in the fray anyway. Mary Anne--I see that you do have the courage and the perseverance to do what you must and come back to us better than ever and ready to take up the challenge again right where you left off.We'll see you then with open arms.You, too, JP.

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    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Dec 08, 12:58am

    Happy writing, MAK! I love this place, too, and miss the regular camraderie and most excellent writing. But... between my writing program demands and work and family, I was feeling the pinch. So I completely understand and hope you have a productive time away.

    For myself, my class is over next week and I'll have a few weeks to 'play' here, so yay! Peace...

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Dec 08, 04:23am

    MAK, write on! I will see you in real life in Chicago...but... between then and now...I will miss you, always thinking of you...and wondering what is going on? Like any friend. Return when you can, this place is not the same without your wonderful presence. I wish you only the best, always. xoxox Happy Holidays!

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