Forum / Lost in Thought magazine needs stories!

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    Lost In Thought
    Nov 27, 04:35pm

    Hi all;

    Issue two of Lost in Thought magazine is coming along nicely! I just thought I would post one more time, I have more openings for short stories, flash & poetry available.

    I have a couple of photographers who have made their portfolios available to the magazine. What I am looking for are writers who would be interested in taking some of these photos and writing some fiction based around them.

    Feel free to send me a message if you're interested! Thanks


  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Nov 27, 07:56pm

    This is a beautifully produced print magazine. I bought the first issue to read my pal Jules Archer's terrific story and was very impressed with the quality of the stories and the presentation.

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    Jules Archer
    Nov 27, 08:28pm

    Thanks Susan! Too kind.

    And yes, this is a gorgeous and well-put together magazine. It's fun to get your work paired with a story and really let it come alive.

    And that's my (honest) plug for the day.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Nov 27, 09:12pm

    Jules, you are honest, through and through. Same here. I tell it like it is. This mag was damned good!

  • Meg%20profile%20pic.thumb
    Meg Tuite
    Nov 27, 11:02pm

    I can't wait to see the mag. I've been in a few projects lately where I was given a photo and then wrote a story from that. I love the challenge. So send to me Kyle. Would love to send something to you!

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Nov 27, 11:22pm

    Send me a photo, too, Kyle? I would be happy to participate.

  • Dscf4986.thumb
    Andrew Stancek
    Nov 28, 02:41am

    This is exciting, Meg and Robert. I have had a story accepted by Kyle already, so we'll be in the beautiful magazine together :-).

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Nov 28, 05:34am

    I have a story that's been accepted by LIT as well!

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    Lynn Beighley
    Nov 28, 02:40pm

    I'd love to participate.

  • Logo.thumb
    Lost In Thought
    Nov 28, 06:28pm

    Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'll do my best to get back to all of you, I really do appreciate it.

  • Logo.thumb
    Lost In Thought
    Dec 09, 03:42pm

    I thought I'd bump this up one more time, since I just got some more photographers who are interested in submitting their portfolios. Please send me a PM if you are interested in creating a new story based around some great photography. This will hopefully be the last round of submissions for issue 2!

  • Tinabarry.thumb
    Tina Barry
    Dec 10, 06:14pm

    Hi Kyle--Would you send me a couple of photos? I'd love to participate.

  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Dec 10, 06:40pm

    Just sent you a messageless message, courtesy of my fast flying fingers. Yes, I'd like to send something in for consideration!

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