Forum / 15+ Faves

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 01, 11:18pm

    I thought it was time to add another group to account for those pieces that earn more than ten but less than twenty-five faves. They have earned a category of their own, and I'd like to group these wonderful pieces into a place where they can be read and appreciated. Please send any work that has earned between fifteen and twenty-four (sob!) to 15+ faves. Thanks!

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 02, 12:10am

    How generous. How kind. How thoughtful.

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    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 02, 12:12am

    Thanks for inviting me to the group, JP! A nice addition to Fictionaut. Welcome all!

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Oct 02, 12:32am

    Thanks Joani! This makes me feel more than inadequate! Peace...

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 02, 12:41am

    Oh, Linda! I love your work. I'm sorry.

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    Kari Nguyen
    Oct 02, 01:00am

    Thank you!

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    Misti Rainwater-Lites
    Oct 02, 01:36am

    Thank you for inviting me to join. I haven't made it there yet but maybe someday in the not too distant future.

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    W.F. Lantry
    Oct 02, 03:48am

    Hey! I've actually got one of those! Who Knew? Where do I send it? ;)



  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 02, 05:00am

    Just scroll down to the bottom of the story page and click on 15+ under "New Groups," Bill.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 02, 05:14am

    Here's a link:

    Thanks, Joani.

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Oct 04, 05:21pm


  • Fictionaut.thumb
    W.F. Lantry
    Oct 04, 05:43pm

    Hey. It worked! ;)

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