Forum / Performance poetry/reading?

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    Kait Mauro
    Jul 21, 10:04pm

    I'm interested in recording myself reading some of my poems and was wondering if anyone knew of a community online somewhere that supports this kind of thing? I want to hear other artists reading their work too.

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    Joani Reese
    Jul 22, 01:25am

    Kait: From the Fishouse: is an audio site that solicits poems from poets and posts them, but poets can't submit there--they are chosen. Whale Sound: records poets' submitted/accepted poetry.

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    Bill Yarrow
    Jul 22, 01:47am

    "I want to hear other artists reading their work too." Cool!

    Recent reading I gave:


    Kait--turn a video camera on yourself reading and then throw the piece up on You Tube. You don't need an online community at all!
    I did that and recorded myself reading from my chapbook WRENCH:
    See my You Tube channel:

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    Kait Mauro
    Jul 22, 07:21am

    Thanks to both of you. And Bill - I really enjoyed your video. I guess I am just kind of shy, which was my hesitation with just creating a youtube video and letting it be out there to run wild in the world, but I am going to do it. Something inside me says it's the right thing for me to do. I feel so strongly that poetry shouldn't only be a textual art.

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    Robert Vaughan
    Jul 23, 10:26pm

    Kait, I also co-host a Flash Fiction Fridays series ongoing at the NPR local affiliate in Milwaukee, WUWM's Lake Effect. I have been co-hosting this show since it debuted in January 2011 and we showcase one or two local (Wisconsin) authors who come in and read their short shorts, and then I get to select one "National" author whose piece I read (with their permission). It isn't quite the same as "performed" pieces, and it isn't poetry, per se. But it is recorded stories, and we are getting very positive feedback.

    Here is the latest link (July) which airs one of my pieces called "Passers-By" and local writer Mary Jo Thome reads her "It's Killer." And I also read Susan Tepper's "Tool."

    The rest of the shows are also archived at the site, too. Enjoy!

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    stephen hastings-king
    Jul 23, 11:06pm

    just as an aside: i like the performance end of things but haven't quite gotten around to working on it specifically. but i've been thinking ways to go beyond just reading stuff---which i enjoy, btw---toward something more intermedia. sometimes i think (and write) as if my pieces were imaginary films and wonder what they'd look and sound like on screen. other times i think about a form of opera that'd maybe use robert ashley's stuff as a point of departure.

    either way, the approach to take seems similar to that i've used for years for sound projects---assemble a group of people, develop an initial set of constraints and put a process into motion. as the process develops, add elements as they become necessary and address the technical questions that arise as a function of that. i think that way the writing can become something else in a more or less organic way.

    anyone else thinking in this sort of direction? how are you approaching it?

    are there antecedents for this?

    more generally: how do you think about performance?

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