A Voiceover accompanies her:
The Assistant is lost again in a grid city. Again she feels disconnected from the world. Where she is the sound has been switched off.
She walks quickly arms folded around her midsection.
She likes being an assistant. She admires her employers for their belief in continuity. She seeks direction through imitating them. To be an assistant is to be a disciple.
Q. I want to believe but I cannot believe. What should I do?
A. Act like you believe: eventually you will forget you don't.
It is knowing that gets in the way. She wishes she had never read that.
There is in this place a single series of four buildings.
She works with a mirror on the Employer's comportments. She reflects on her new expressions in windows. She practices acquired speech while walking The Employer's dog. With time, they will feel natural.
But as the months pass things begin to change. She realizes that the Employer has also been adapting to the Assistant. The comportments that were to guide her are imitations of her own.
Again, she feels betrayed.
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One day she came home from school to find her father hanging in the kitchen. She would not want me to tell you. But specimens cannot hear.
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A Tiny Ambiguous Film.
52/250: another world
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"Q. I want to believe but I cannot believe. What should I do?
A. Act like you believe: eventually you will forget you don't."
One profound piece, this is.
aye. i believe this.
thanks for the reads, lovely comments & faves...
@ jld: i swiped that from pascal. it's the second part of the section of the pensees called "the wager." people usually spend more time on the first part, the argument that probabilistically speaking it makes sense to bet that there is a god. the second part is the Problem, and i think pascal's way of thinking about it runs to quite deep matters of being-in-the-world and routine and how they're in many ways the same.
@ marcus--sweet. it makes sense to bet that way. you know, on belief.
It was amazing how my mind saw this from above.
Good stuff.
weird, original, great. great treat.
@lou: nice. thanks for reading & the comment. i like the idea of seeing this from above. i had the idea of a distance, kind of like the voice-over in a godard film, in mind, but not a particular vantage point.
@meg: thanks for the read and comment. i'm a fan, so such things mean a lot.