by Peter Erich
1.___ He proves himself
a deity from the flatteries
that had you sprawled out
like a panda on the deep
seams of his comforter.
2.___ The air was willing
until it heard him sing; a bouquet of
prickly coral sitting
in a deep frier. The war of romance
in his tongue.
3.___ He nests his legs
and sits in the center of your dream.
He spins a disco ball on his finger,
it glisters across your face
like white champagne.
4.___ Jarred piano carbon and
tucked it in a scroll. He wrote lifted
verses until he sank in liquor
and tied himself
to the terra firma sofa.
5.___ Chief Serious, a combination
of everything, he understood
the New Orleans harbors yawning
over itself. Oh how the explanation
never added up to the newspaper headlines,
just ink on a tire.
6.___ He approaches the bed with
nerves clutched into a bouquet.
The conclusion of war,
breathing laughter,
ear at his lover's breast, listening
to his lips through the chest,
two petals rattling in a bush.
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Directions: Match the stanza to the Beat icon:
A. William S. Burroughs
B. Peter Orlovsky
C. Jack Kerouac
D. Carl Solomon
E. Allen Ginsberg
F. Neal Cassidy
For an answer key visit
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