poor son of a bitch
he recorded it in his last year
forty-four with skin like paper
probably in a self-recording
phonograph booth in LA
or somewhere in southern california
where the light is a daily reminder of all
you cannot have
like zelda in custody
his own private paradise
lost a thousand times or more
and he recites from memory this—what?
this ode gone off the rails
the keats is unmistakable but he begins in
such a low key
his voice the hushed tone of priests
even at his death he dreamed of death
and every art a sacrament
did people once believe such things?
scott did
he wrote to get the girl
and look!
the girl was got
and unstoppable fire
made her a torch
she burned alone
on the mental ward one day
if the river was whiskey
it only went downhill
their journey was beautiful & damned
but now you listen
as he begins well
the words barely breathed
his voice pure purchased princeton
the meter the line the exquisite pain
of knowing his last flight
like the nightingale he laments
will set hell on fire again
my heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains
my sense as though of hemlock I had drunk
o scott! o zelda!
we could drink a case of you
that i might drink and leave the world unseen
and with thee fade away into the forest dim so then
fade far away dissolve and quite forget
what thou among the leaves hast never known
the weariness the fever and the fret
here where men sit and hear each other groan
but scott has stopped reciting
he lost his place
his neurons misfiring again
he stumbles to a line he thought he'd never forget
and ends the poem in the middle
no second act or third only this last fragment
where youth grows pale and spectre-thin and dies
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alone one christmas eve he listens to scott and feels, if anything, worse
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Really moving and subtle and strong.
Great voice.
"and unstoppable fire made her a torch" Big fave. *
thank you, one and all
"...and every art a sacrament"
People still believe, don't they.
some do, it is reported--
the high view or art, the sacramental sentence, the voices hushed and dreamlike, has so gone out of fashion. so easy to mock, look at rilke! ha! what a fucking moron! except....
when every aesthetic distinction is leveled, and every person on the planet a self-published "artist" exhibiting their wares at places like--well, fictionaut--
maybe we wind up with a leveled planet, or a world of dreck, or, well, the disneyfied world of simulacra, where every false appearance is applauded as good and true and beautiful. fireworks at ten, above the castle of shit
Good poem. Good subject for a poem. Good comment--worth a poem in itself!
this is stunning, quite beautiful, reminds me of that frank o'hara poem, o lana, we love you get up.. the language flows so easily, little bits of sadness passed around and down...
forty four with skin like paper...that sums it all up
thank you so much for your kind & generous comment on this fitz poem--
frank o hara & lana, sure
breaks my broken heart ev time, it does
lovely poem, g.